Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/13

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987


100-148 100-149 100-150 100-151 100-152 100-153 100-154 100-155 100-156

100-157 100-158 • 100-159 100-160 100-161 100-162 100-163

100-164 100-165 100-166 100-167 100-168 100-169


100-171 100-172 100-173

xiii DATE

To extend the Aviation Insurance Program for five years. To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by designating a segment of the Merced River in California as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. To designateasement of the Kings River in California as a wild and scenic river, and for other purposes. To reauthorize the Fishermen's Protective Act To designate the segment of Corridor V in the State of Alabama as the Robert E. (Bob) Jones, Jr. Highway. Indian Law Technical Amendments of 1987 To provide for the extension of certain programs relating to housing and community development, and for other purposes. Designating the week beginning November 8, 1987, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week". To designate the Federal Building and United States Post Office located at 315 West Allegan Street in Lansing, Michigan, as the "Charles E. Chamberlain Federal Building and United States Post Office". To provide for the transfer of certain lands in the State of Arizona, and for other purposes. Providing support for the Civic Achievement Award Program in Honor of the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives. To amend chapter 9 of title 17, United States Code, regarding protection extended to semiconductor chip products of foreign entities. To designate the new United States courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama, as the "Hugo L. Black United States Courthouse". Designating the week of November 8 through November 14, 1987, as "National Food Bank Week". Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1988, and for other purposes. To designate the period commencing on November 15, 1987, and ending on November 22, 1987, as "National Arts Week". To recognize the Disabled American Veterans Vietnam Veterans National Memorial as a memorial of national significance. To designate the week beginning November 22, 1987, as "National Family Caregivers Week". To designate the week of November 22, 1987, through November 28, 1987, as "National Family Week". To provide for the distribution within the United States of the film entitled "America The Way I See It". Designating the week beginning November 15, 1987, as "Africsm American Education Week". Expressing the sense of the Congress that United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX) should be overturned, and for other purposes. To provide for the extension of certain programs relating to housing and community development, and for other purposes. To designate the period commencing November 22, 1987, and ending November 28, 1987, as "American Indian Week". To designate the week beginning November 22, 1987, as "National Adoption Week". Poultry Producers Financial Protection Act of 1987


Oct. 30, 1987 Nov. 2, 1987

878 879

Nov. 3, 1987


Nov. 3, 1987 Nov. 3, 1987

884 885

Nov. 5, 1987 Nov. 5, 1987

886 890

Nov. 6, 1987


Nov. 9, 1987


Nov. 9, 1987


Nov. 9, 1987


Nov. 9, 1987


Nov. 10, 1987


Nov. 10, 1987


Nov. 10, 1987


Nov. 12, 1987


Nov. 13, 1987


Nov. 13, 1987


Nov. 13, 1987


Nov. 17, 1987


Nov. 17, 1987


Nov. 17, 1987


Nov. 17, 1987


Nov. 19, 1987


Nov. 19, 1987


Nov. 23, 1987