Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/44

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101 STAT. 14

Fish and fishing.

PUBLIC LAW 100-4—FEB. 4, 1987 organizations and other nations) relating to the Great Lakes system, and shall update that inventory every four years. "(4) RESEARCH EXCHANGE.—The Research Office shall establish a Great Lakes research exchange for the purpose of facilitating the rapid identification, acquisition, retrieval, dissemination, and use of information concerning research projects which are ongoing or completed and which affect the Great Lakes System. "(5) RESEARCH PROGRAM.—The Research Office shall develop, in cooperation with the Coordination Office, a comprehensive environmental research program and data base for the Great Lakes system. The data base shall include, but not be limited to, data relating to water quality, fisheries, and biota. "(6) MONITORING.—The Research Office shall conduct, through the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, the National Sea Grant College program, other Federal laboratories, and the private sector, appropriate research and monitoring activities which address priority issues and current needs relating to the Great Lakes. "(7) LOCATION.—The Research Office shall be located in a Great Lakes State, (e) RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT COORDINATION.— "(1) JOINT PLAN.—Before October 1 of each year, the Program


Office and the Research Office shall prepare a joint research plan for the fiscal year which begins in the following calendar year. "(2) CONTENTS OF PLAN.—Each plan prepared under paragraph (1) shall— "(A) identify all proposed research dedicated to activities conducted under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreemu \ ment of 1978; "(B) include the Agency's assessment of priorities for fe i. research needed to fulfill the terms of such Agreement; and "(C) identify all proposed research that may be used to develop a comprehensive environmental data base for the .art«i Great Lakes System and establish priorities for development of such data base. "(f) INTERAGENCY COOPERATION.—The head of each department, agency, or other instrumentality of the Federal Government which is engaged in, is concerned with, or has authority over programs relating to research, monitoring, and planning to maintain, enhance, preserve, or rehabilitate the environmental quality and natural resources of the Great Lakes, including the Chief of Engineers of the Army, the Chief of the Soil Conservation Service, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, the Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shall submit an annual report to the Administrator with respect to the activities of that agency or office affecting compliance with the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978. "(g) RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS AND INTERNATIONAL TREATIES.—Nothing in this section shall be con-

strued to affect the jurisdiction, powers, or prerogatives of any department, agency, or officer of the Federal Government or of any State government, or of any tribe, nor any powers, jurisdiction, or prerogatives of any international body created by treaty with authority relating to the Great Lakes. t- .trnas;. de-^n