Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/1059

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101 STAT. 1330-265
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987
101 STAT. 1330-265

PUBLIC LAW 100-203—DEC. 22, 1987

101 STAT. 1330-265

"(i)(1) Except in the case of fees collected by the United States Contracts. Fish and Wildlife Service or the Tennessee Valley Authority, all receipts from fees collected pursuant to this section by any Federal agency (or by any public or private entity under contract with a Federal agency) shall be covered into a special account for that agency established in the Treasury of the United States. Fees collected by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to this subsection shall continue to be available for the purposes of distribution to States and counties in accordance with applicable law. "(2) Amounts covered into the special account for each agency during each fiscal year shall, after the end of such fiscal year, be available for appropriation solely for the purposes and in the manner provided in this subsection. No funds shall be transferred from fee receipts made available under this Act to each unit of the national park system: Provided, however, That in making appropriations, funds derived from such fees may be used for any purpose authorized therein. Funds credited to the special account shall remain available until expended. "(3) For agencies other than the National Park Service, such funds shall be made available for resource protection, research, interpretation, and maintenance activities related to resource protection in areas managed by that agency at which outdoor recreation is available. To the extent feasible, such funds should be used for purposes (as provided for in this paragraph) which are directly related to the activities which generated the funds, including but not limited to water-based recreational activities and camping. "(4) Amounts covered into the special account for the National Park Service shall be allocated among park system units in accordance with subsection (j) for obligation or expenditure by the Director of the National Park Service for the following purposes: "(A) In the case of receipts from the collection of admission fees: for resource protection, research, and interpretation at units of the National Park System. "(B) In the case of receipts from the collection of user fees: for resource protection, research, interpretation, and maintenance activities related to resource protection at units of the National Park System. "(j)(l) 10 percent of the funds made available to the Director of the National Park Service under subsection (i) in each fiscal year shall be allocated among units of the National Park System on the basis of need in a manner to be determined by the Director. "(2) 40 percent of the funds made available to the Director of the National Park Service under subsection (i) in each fiscal year shall be allocated among units of the National Park System in accordance with paragraph (3) of this subsection and 50 percent shall be allocated in accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection. "(3) The amount allocated to each unit under this paragraph for each fiscal year shall be a fraction of the total allocation to all units under this paragraph. The fraction for each unit shall be determined by dividing the operating expenses at that unit during the prior fiscal year by the total operating expenses at all units during the prior fiscal year. "(4) The amount allocated to each unit under this paragraph for each fiscal year shall be a fraction of the total allocation to all units under this paragraph. The fraction for each unit shall be determined by dividing the user fees and admission fees collected under
