Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/246

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

101 STAT. 1232

PUBLIC LAW 100-180—DEC. 4, 1987 (6) For security investigations, $32,000,000. (7) For naval reactors development, $544,100,000.

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Funds are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Energy for fiscal year 1988 for plant and capital equipment (including maintenance, restoration, planning, construction, acquisition, modification of facilities, and the continuation of projects authorized in prior years, land acquisition related thereto, and acquisition and fabrication of capital equipment not related to construction) necessary for national security programs as follows: (1) For weapons activities: Project 88-D-lOl, general plant projects, various locations, $30,200,000. Project 88-D-102, sanitary wastewater systems consolidation, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $1,000,000. Project 88-D-103, seismic upgrade, Building 111, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, $1,100,000. Project 88-D-104, safeguards and security upgrade,

Phase II, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $3,500,000. m f Project 88-D-105, special nuclear materials research and development laboratory replacement, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $10,000,000. Project 88-D-106, nuclear weapons research, development, and testing facilities revitalization, Phase II, various "^" locations, $28,962,000. Project 88-D-121, general plant projects, various loca--^ tions, $33,000,000. Project 88-D-122, facilities capability assurance program, various locations, $19,200,000. Project 88-D-123, security enhancement, Pantex Plant, ^^.., Amarillo, Texas, $5,700,000. Project 88-D-124, fire protection upgrade, various locations, $1,700,000. Project 88-D-125, high explosive machining facility, Pantex Plant, Amarillo, Texas, $2,700,000. Project 88-D-126, personnel radiological monitoring laboratories, various locations, $1,000,000. Project 88-D-129, small intercontinental ballistic missile (SICBM) warhead production facilities, various locations, $20,000,000. Project 87-D-104, safeguards and security enhancements. Phase II, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, $7,000,000. Project 87-D-122, short-range attack missile II (SRAM II) warhead production facilities, various locations, $37,016,000, subject to section 3113(c). Project 87-D-123, protective clothing decontamination facility, Rocky Flats Plant, Golden, Colorado, $4,608,000. Project 87-D-127, environmental, safety, and health upgrade, Mound Plant, Miamisburg, Ohio, $1,737,000. Project 87-D-130, receiving and shipping facility, Pinellas Plant, St. Petersburg, Florida, $2,400,000. -.,.r^