Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/311

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

PUBLIC LAW 100-191—DEC. 15, 1987

101 STAT. 1297

construed as authorizing the withholding of information from the Congress. "(f) LIMITATION ON JUDICIAL REVIEW.—The Attorney General's

determination under this chapter to apply to the division of the court for the appointment of an independent counsel shall not be reviewable in any court. "(g) CONGRESSIONAL REQUEST.— "(1) BY JUDICIARY COMMITTEE OR MEMBERS THEREOF.—The

Committee on the Judiciary of either House of the Congress, or a majority of majority party members or a majority of all nonmajority party members of either such committee, may request in writing that the Attorney General apply for the appointment of an independent counsel. "(2) REPORT BY ATTORNEY GENERAL PURSUANT TO REQUEST.—

Not later than 30 days after the receipt of a request under paragraph (1), the Attorney General shall submit, to the committee making the request, or to the committee on which the persons making the request serve, a report on whether the Attorney General has begun or will begin a preliminary investigation under this chapter of the matters with respect to which the request is made, in accordance with subsection (a) or (c) of section 591, as the case may be. The report shall set forth the reasons for the Attorney General's decision regarding such preliminary investigation as it relates to each of the matters with respect to which the congressional request is made. If there is such a preliminary investigation, the report shall include the date on which the preliminary investigation began or will begin. "(3) SUBMISSION OF INFORMATION IN RESPONSE TO CONGRESSIONAL REQUEST.—At the same time as any notification, applica-

tion, or any other document, material, or memorandum is supplied to the division of the court pursuant to this section with respect to a preliminary investigation of any matter with respect to which a request is made under paragraph (1), such notification, application, or other document, material, or memorandum shall be supplied to the committee making the request, or to the committee on which the persons making the request serve. If no application for the appointment of an independent Reports. counsel is made to the division of the court under this section pursuant to such a preliminary investigation, the Attorney General shall submit a report to that committee stating the reasons why such application was not made, addressing each matter with respect to which the congressional request was made. "(4) DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION.—Any report, notification,

application, or other document, material, or memorandum supplied to a committee under this subsection shall not be revealed to any third party, except that the committee may, either on its own initiative or upon the request of the Attorney General, make public such portion or portions of such report, notification, application, document, material, or memorandum as will not in the committee's judgment prejudice the rights of any individual. "§ 593. Duties of the division of the court 28 USC 593. "(a) REFERENCE TO DIVISION OF THE COURT.—The division of the court to which this chapter refers is the division established under section 49 of this title.