Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/518

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101 STAT. 1329-175
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987
101 STAT. 1329-175

101 STAT. 1329-175

PUBLIC LAW 100-202—DEC. 22, 1987

except that the term "United States assistance" does not include (A) assistance under chapter 1 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 insofar as such assistance is provided through private and voluntary organizations or other nongovernmental agencies, (B) assistance which involves the donations of food or medicine, (C) disaster relief assistance (including any assistance under chapter 9 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961), (D) assistance for refugees, (E) assistance under the Inter-American Foundation Act, (F) assistance necessary for the continued financing of education for Panamanians in the United States, or (G) assistance made available for termination costs arising from the requirements of this section, (d) The Secretary of Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Directors to the Multilateral Development Banks (the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter national Finance Corporation, and the Inter-American Development Bank) to vote against any loan to Panama, unless the President has certified in advance that the conditions set forth in subsection (a) of this section have been met. EUMINATION OF THE SUGAR QUOTA ALLOCATION OF PANAMA

7 USC 3602 ^°^^-

SEC. 571. (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no sugars, sirups, or molasses that are products of Panama may be imported into the United States after the date of enactment of this Act during any period for which a limitation is imposed by authorities provided under any other law on the total quantity of sugars, sirups, and molasses that may be imported into the United States: Provided, That such products may be imported after the beginning of the last week of any quota year if the President certifies that for the entire duration of the quota year, freedom of the press and other consitutional guarantees, including due process of law, have been restored to the Panameinian people. (b) REALLOCATION OF QUOTA AMOUNTS.—For any quota year for which the President does not certify for the entire duration of the quota year, freedom of the press and all other constitutional guarantees, including due process of law, have been restored to the Panamanian people, no later than the last week of such quota year, the United States Trade Representative shall reallocate among other foreign countries the quantity of sugar, sirup, and molasses products of Panama that could have been imported into the United States before the date of enactment of this Act under any limitation imposed by other law on the total quantity of sugars, sirups, and molgisses that may be imported into the United States during any period. (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS TO TARIFF SCHEDULES.—

(1) Paragraph (c)(i) of headnote 3 of subpart A of part 10 of schedule 1 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States is amended by striking out the item relating to Panama in the table. (2) Paragraph (c) of headnote 3 of subpart A of part 10 of schedule 1 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subparagraph: "(iii) Notwithstanding any authority given to the United States Trade Representative under paragraphs (e) and (g) of this headnote, no allocation may be made to Panama of any portion of any limitetion imposed under any paragraph of this headnote on the