Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/584

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101 STAT. 1329-241
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987
101 STAT. 1329-241

101 STAT. 1329-241


For necessary expenses in carrying out fossil energy research and development activities, under the authority of the Department of Energy Organization Act (Public Law 95-91), including the acquisition of interest, including defeasible and equitable interests in any real property or any facility or for plant or facility acquisition or expansion, $326,975,000, to remain available until expended, of which $230,000 is for the functions of the Office of the Federal Inspector for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System established pursuant to the authority of Public Law 94-586 (90 Stat. 2908-2909), and of the amount appropriated under this head, $4,000,000 shall be available to construct Department of Energy Fossil Energy building B-26, and pursuant to section lllflt)XlXB) of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, of the amount appropriated under this head, $5,500,000 shall be available for a grant for an energy center at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma, and $6,000,000 shall be available for a grant for an energy center at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia, without section lll(b)(2) of such Act being applicable, and $20,894,000 to be derived by transfer from amounts derived from fees for guarantees of obligations collected pursuant to section 19 of the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5919), and deposited in the "Energy security reserve" established by Public Law 96-126: Provided, That no part of the sum herein made available shall be used for the field testing of nuclear explosives in the recovery of oil and gas: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated under this head in Public Law 99-190 for demonstration of the Kilngas coal gasification process, which remain unobligated, shall be available for carrying out any fossil energy research and development activities. Of the funds herein provided, $35,000,000 is for implementation of the June, 1984 multiyear, cost-shared magnetohydrodynamics program targeted on proof-of-concept testing: Provided further. That 25 per centum private sector cash or in-and contributions shall be required for obligations in fiscal year 1988, and for each subsequent fiscal year's obligations private sector contributions shall increase by 5 per centum over the life of the proof-of-concept plan: Provided further, That existing facilities, equipment, and supplies, or previously expended research or development funds are not cost-sharing for the purposes of this appropriation, except as amortized, depreciated, or expensed in normal business practice: Provided further. That cost-sharing shall not be required for the costs of constructing or operating Governmentnowned facilities or for the costs of Government organizations. National Laboratories, or universities and such costs shall not be used in calculating the required percentage for private sector contributions: Provided further. That private sector contribution percentages need not be met on each contract but must be met in total for each fiscal year. NAVAL PETROLEUM AND OIL SHALE RESERVES

For necessary expenses in carrying out naval petroleum and oil shale reserve activities, $159,663,000, to remain available until ex-