Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/271

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-297—APR. 28, 1988

102 STAT. 233

"(6) to describe how assistance made available under this title will be used to promote desegregation; "(7) to provide assurances that the agency will carry out a high quality education program that will encourage greater parental decisionmaking and involvement; "(8) to provide a description of the manner in which the local educational agency will continue the magnet schools program after assistance under this title is no longer available; and "(9) to provide such other assurances as the Secretary determines necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. "(c) SPECIAL RULE.—No application may be approved under this section unless the Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights determines that the assurances described in clauses (3), (4), and (5) of subsection (b) will be met. "SEC. 3008. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION.

20 USC 3028.

"(a) PRIORITY.—In approving applications under this title the Secretary shall give priority to— "(1) the recentness of the implementation of the approved plan or modification thereof; "(2) the proportion of minority group children involved in any Minorities, approved plan; "(3) the need for assistance based on the expense or difficulty of effectively carrying out an approved plan and the program or projects for which assistance is sought; and "(4) the degree to which the program or project for which assistance is sought affords promise of achieving the purposes of this title. "(b) SPECIAL CONSIDERATION.—In approving applications under this title, the Secretary shall give special consideration to the degree to which the program for which assistance is sought involves the collaborative efforts of institutions of higher education, communitybased organizations, the appropriate State educational agency, or any other private organization. "SEC. 3009. PROHIBITIONS.

20 USC 3029.

"Grants under this title may not be used for consultants, for transportation, or for any activity which does not augment academic improvement. "SEC. 3010. LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS.

"(a) LIMITATION ON DURATION AND PROGRESS.—No local educational agency may receive a grant under this title for more than one fiscal year unless the Secretary determines that the program for which assistance was provided in the first fiscal year is making satisfactory progress in achieving the purposes of this title. "(b) LIMITATION ON PLANNING FUNDS.—No local educational agency may expend more than 10 percent of the amount that the agency receives in any fiscal year for planning. "(c) SPECIAL RULE ON CHAPTER 2 FUNDS.—No State shall reduce the amount of State aid with respect to the provision of free public education or the amount of assistance received under chapter 2 of title I of this Act in any school district of any local educational agency within such State because of assistance made or to be made available to such agency under this title.

20 USC 3030.