Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/411

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-297—APR. 28, 1988

102 STAT. 373

"(ii) all national and regional Indian organizations of which such tribes and tribal organizations are typically members; "(B) be conducted on-site at a representative statistical sample of the tribal elementary or secondary educational programs under a contract entered into with a nationally reputable public accounting and business consulting firm; "(C) take into account the availability of skilled labor, commodities, business and automatic data processing services, related Indian preference and Indian control of education requirements, and any other market factors found substantially to affect the administrative costs and efficiency of each such tribal elementary or secondary educational program studied in order to assure that all required administrative activities can reasonably be delivered in a cost effective manner for each such program, given an administrative cost allowance generated by the values, percentages, or other factors found in the studies to be relevant in such formula; "(D) identify, and quantify in terms of percentages of direct program costs, any general factors arising from geographic isolation, or numbers of programs administered, independent of program size factors used to compute a base administrative cost percentage in such formula; and "(E) identify any other incremental cost factors substantially affecting the costs of required administrative cost functions at any of the tribal elementary or secondary educational programs studied and determine whether the factors are of general applicability to other such programs, and (if so) how they may effectively be incorporated into such formula. "(3) Determinations described in paragraph (2)(C) shall be based on what is pragmatically possible to do at each location studied, given prudent management practice, irrespective of whether required administrative services were actually or fully delivered at these sites, or other services were delivered instead, during the period of the study. "(4) Upon completion of the studies conducted under paragraph Reports. (1), but in no case later than October 1, 1989, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress a report on the findings of the studies, together with determinations based upon such findings that would affect the definitions of terms used in the formula that is set forth in subsection (c). "(5) The Secretary shall include in the Bureau's justification for each appropriations request for each fiscal year beginning after fiscal year 1989, a projection of the overall costs associated with the formula set forth in subsection (c) for all tribal elementary or secondary educational programs which the Secretary expects to be funded in the fiscal year for which the appropriations are sought. "(6) For purposes of this subsection, the size of tribal elementary or secondary educational programs is determined by the aggregate direct cost program funding level for all Bureau funded programs which share common administrative cost functions. "(g)(1) There are authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year Appropriation such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this authorization. section. "(2) If the total amount of funds necessary to provide grants to tribes and tribal organizations in the amounts determined under subsection (b) for a fiscal year exceeds the amount of funds appro-