Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/449

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-297—APR. 28, 1988

102 STAT. 411


(1) Applications for a grant under this section shall be submitted at such time, in such manner, contain such information, and be consistent with such criteria, as may be required under regulations prescribed by the Secretary. Such applications shall— (A) set forth a statement describing the activities for which assistance is sought; and (B) provide for an evaluation of the effectiveness of the project in achieving its purposes and those of this section. (2) The Secretary shall not approve an application for a grant under subsection (a) unless he is satisfied that such application, and any documents submitted with respect thereto, indicate that— (A) there has been adequate participation by the individuals to be served and tribal communities in the planning and development of the project, and (B) there will be such a participation in the operation and evaluation of the project. (3) In approving applications under subsection (a), the Secretary shall give priority to applications from Indian educational agencies, organizations, and institutions. (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1989, and for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. Subpart 4—Program Administration SEC. 5341. OFFICE OF INDIAN EDUCATION.

(a) IN GENERAL.—There is established, in the Department of Education, an Offlce of Indian Education. (b) DIRECTOR.—

(1) The Office of Indian Education shall be under the direction of the Director of the Office of Indian Education, who shall be appointed by the Secretary from a list of nominees submitted to the Secretary by the Nationgil Advisory Council on Indian Education. (2) The Director of the Office of Indian Education shall— (A) be responsible for administering the provisions of this part, (B) be responsible for the development of all policies and procedures relative to the implementation of this part, (C) be involved in, and primarily responsible for, development of all policies affecting Indians under programs within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education of the Department of Education, and (D) coordinate the development of policy and practices for all programs in the Department of Education relating to Indians and Alaskan Natives. (2) The Director of the Office of Indian Education shall report directly to the Assistant Secretary of Education for Elementary and Secondary Education. (3) The Director of the Office of Indian Ekiucation shall be compensated at the rate prescribed for, and shall be placed in, grade 18 of the General Schedule set forth in section 5332 of

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