Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/931

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988


PUBLIC LAW 100-379—AUG. 4, 1988

102 STAT. 893


29 USC 2104.


orders a plant closing or mass layoff in violation of section 3 of this Act shall be liable to each aggrieved employee who suffers an employment loss as a result of such closing or layoff for— (A) back pay for each day of violation at a rate of compensation not less than the higher of— (i) the average regular rate received by such employee during the last 3 years of the employee's employment; or (ii) the final regular rate received by such employee; and (B) benefits under an employee benefit plan described in section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(3)), including the cost of medical expenses incurred during the employment loss which would have been covered under an employee benefit plan if the employment loss had not occurred. Such liability shall be calculated for the period of the violation, up to a maximum of 60 days, but in no event for more than one-half the number of days the employee was employed by the employer. (2) The amount for which an employer is liable under paragraph (1) shall be reduced by— (A) any wages paid by the employer to the employee for the period of the violation; (B) any voluntary and unconditional payment by the employer to the employee that is not required by any legal obligation; and (C) any payment by the employer to a third party or trustee (such as premiums for health benefits or payments to a defined contribution pension plan) on behalf of and attributable to the employee for the period of the violation. In addition, any liability incurred under paragraph (1) with respect to a defined benefit pension plan may be reduced by crediting the employee with service for all purposes under such a plan for the period of the violation. (3) Any employer who violates the provisions of section 3 with respect to a unit of local government shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $500 for each day of such violation, except that such penalty shall not apply if the employer pays to each aggrieved employee the amount for which the employer is liable to that employee within 3 weeks from the date the employer orders the shutdown or layoff. (4) If an employer which has violated this Act proves to the satisfaction of the court that the act or omission that violated this Act was in good faith and that the employer had reasonable grounds for believing that the act or omission was not a violation of this Act the court may, in its discretion, reduce the amount of the liability or penalty provided for in this section. (5) A person seeking to enforce such liability, including a representative of employees or a unit of local government aggrieved under paragraph (1) or (3), may sue either for such person or for other persons similarly situated, or both, in any district court of the United States for any district in which the violation is alleged to have occurred, or in which the employer transacts business. (6) In any such suit, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party a reasonable attorney's fee as part of the costs.


Health and medical care.


Health and medical care. Retirement.

Courts, U.S.

State and local governments.

Courts, U.S.