Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/1025

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-456—SEPT. 29, 1988

102 STAT. 2029

"(3) If the board elects to hold an administrative hearing, the member or former member who filed the application described in paragraph (1)— "(A) may be provided with representation by a judge advocate if— "(i) the Inspector General, in the report under subsection (c)(5), finds that there is probable cause to believe that a personnel action prohibited by subsection (b) has been taken (or threatened) against the member with respect to a communication described in subsection (c)(2); "(ii) the Judge Advocate General concerned determines that the case is unusually complex or otherwise requires judge advocate assistance to ensurejM*oper presentation of the legal issues in the ceise; and "(iii) the member is not represented by outside counsel chosen by the member; and "(B) may examine witnesses through deposition, serve interrogatories, and request the production of evidence, including evidence contained in the investigatory record of the Inspector General but not included in the report submitted under subsection (c)(5). "(4) The Secretary concerned shall issue a final decision with respect to an application described in paragraph (1) within 180 days after the application is filed. If the Secretary fails to issue such a final decision within that time, the member or former member shall be deemed to have exhausted the member's or former member's administrative remedies under section 1552 of this title. "(5) The Secretary concerned shall order such action, consistent with the limitations contained in sections 1552 and 1553 of this title, as is necessary to correct the record of a personnel action prohibited by subsection (b). "(6) If the Board determines that a personnel action prohibited by subsection (b) has occurred, the Board may recommend to the Secretary concerned that the Secretary take appropriate disciplinary action against the individual who committed such personnel action. "(e) REVIEW BY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE.—Upon the completion of all administrative review under subsection (d), the member or former member of the armed forces who made the allegation referred to in subsection (c)(D, if not satisfied with the disposition of the matter, may submit the matter to the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary shall make a decision to reverse or uphold the decision of the Secretary of the military department concerned in the matter within 90 days after receipt of such a submittal. "(f) POST-DISPOSITION INTERVIEWS.—After disposition of any case under this section, the Inspector General shall, whenever possible, conduct an interview with the person making the allegation to determine the views of that person on the disposition of the matter. "(g) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, shall prescribe regulations to carry out this section. "(h) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: "(1) The term 'Member of Congress' includes any Delegate or Resident Commissioner to Congress. "(2) The term 'Inspector General' means—

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