Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/1030

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2034

PUBLIC LAW 100-456—SEPT. 29, 1988 (b) EXPLANATION OF METHODOLOGY.—In reporting on the current

effect of arms control agreements on the status of, and trends in, the military balance of power between the United States and the Soviet Union and between NATO and the Warsaw Pact (required under paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (a)), the President shall— (1) specify the methodology used in analyzing the military balance between the United States and the Soviet Union and express the results of such analyses in terms of (A) static comparisons, and (B) comparisons that include dynamic factors; and (2) discuss all major scenarios, assumptions, and contingencies, including political confrontation, full-scale war, and serious confrontations not involving full-scale war. (c) FORM OF REPORT.—The President shall submit such report in both classified and unclassified form. President of U.S.



(a) STUDY.—The President shall conduct a study regarding the antiballistic missile capability and activities of the Soviet Union. In conducting the study, the President shall assess each of the following: (1) The military capabilities and significance of the extensive network of large-phased array radars of the Soviet Union. (2) Whether the Soviet Union is developing or producing mobile or transportable engagement radars in violation of the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty. (3) The ability of the Soviet Union to develop an effective exoatmospheric antiballistic missile defense without using widespread deployments of traditional engagement radars. (4) The ability of air defense interceptor missiles of the Soviet Union, now and in the future, to destroy warheads of ballistic missiles in fiight. (5) Whether silos or other hardened facilities of the Soviet Union located outside of the existing antiballistic missile site permitted near Moscow under the terms of the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty are or could be associated with antiballistic missile defenses not permitted under that Treaty. (6) Whether the Soviet Union is developing terminal antiballistic missile defenses. (7) Whether the existing antiballistic missile site near Moscow that is permitted under the terms of that Treaty conceals or could conceal development, testing, or deployment by the Soviet Union of a widespread antiballistic missile system. (8) Activities of the Soviet Union regarding boost-phase intercepts of ballistic missiles. (9) The status of laser programs, particle-beam programs, and other advanced technology programs of the Soviet Union comparable to programs conducted by the United States under the Strategic Defense Initiative. (10) The consequences for the United States of a successful effort by the Soviet Union to deploy cm effective nationwide or limited antiballistic missile system. (b) ASSESSMENT OF ABILITY OF UNITED STATES TO COUNTER A SOVIET ABM SYSTEM.—In conducting the study required by subsec-

tion (a), the President shall also assess the ability of the United States to counter effectively an effective antiballistic missile system