Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/1059

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-456—SEPT. 29, 1988

102 STAT. 2063

(5) The MUitary Bases Agreement as currently in effect has a fixed term lasting until September 16, 1991, after which it continues in effect subject to termination by either party on one year's notice. (6) Pursuant to a 1979 amendment to that agreement, the President of the United States pledged to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines to undertake "best efforts" to obtain security assistance for the Philippines, and such pledge was reiterated by the President of the United States in 1983 as part of a five-year review of the agreement. (7) The United States and the Republic of the Philippines are currently engaged in a second five-year review of the Military Bases Agreement. (8) Officials of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines have indicated to officials of the United States that the United States should significantly increase compensation for the use by the United States of military bases in the Philippines. (9) The provision of multilateral economic assistance to the Republic of the Philippines should be considered separately from the provision of security assistance by the United States to the Republic of the Philippines in return for United States basing rights in the Philippines. (b) REPORT ON FACILITIES.—(1) The Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report on the existing United States military facilities in the Republic of the Philippines. The report shall include analysis of the following: (A) The costs and benefits of maintaining those facilities, including the costs to the United States of the operation and maintenance of those facilities and any other costs associated with those facilities and the economic and social benefits and other benefits of those facilities to the Republic of the Philippines. (B) Potential alternative locations for those facilities. (C) The strategic value to the United States of having military facilities located in the Philippines and of having such facilities at the potential alternative locations considered. (D) The costs and benefits of relocating those facilities to the potential alternative locations, including— (i) the cost to the United States of operation and maintenance and other costs, (ii) the economic, social, and other costs to the Philippines, and (iii) the economic, social, and other benefits to the government and community at each alternative location. (E) The availability of skilled indigenous personnel at the potential alternative locations and the cost of training such personnel to work at such installations. (2) The report shall be prepared in consultation with the Secretary of State and shall be submitted to Congress not later than six months after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 1309. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF SECURITY AT UNITED STATES BASES IN THE PHILIPPINES

10 USC 113 note.

The Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress an annual report assessing security at United States military facilities in the Republic of the Philippines. Each such report shall include an
