Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/1064

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2068

PUBLIC LAW 100-456—SEPT. 29, 1988 Project 89-D-170, general plant projects, waste operations and projects, and waste research and development, various locations, $28,000,000. Project 89-D-171, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory road renovation, Idaho, $4,000,000. Project 89-D-172, Hanford environmental compliance, Richland, Washington, $12,000,000. Project 89-D-173, tank farm ventilation upgrade, Richland, Washington, $1,800,000. Project 89-D-174, replacement high level waste evaporator. Savannah River, South Carolina, $3,520,000. Project 89-D-175, hazardous waste/mixed waste disposal facility. Savannah River, South Carolina, $3,500,000. Project 88-D-173, Hanford waste vitrification plant, Richland, Washington, $22,500,000. Project 87-D-173, 242-A evaporator crystallizer upgrade, Richland, Washington, $1,944,000. Project 87-D-177, test reactor area liquid radioactive waste cleanup system, Phase III, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, $911,000. Project 87-I)-180, burial ground expansion. Savannah River, South Carolina, $2,068,000. Project 87-D-181, diversion box and pump pit containment buildings. Savannah River, South Carolina, $6,371,000. Project 86-D-175, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory security upgrade, Idaho, $2,084,000. Project 83-D-148, nonradioactive hazardous waste management. Savannah River, South Carolina, $13,000,000. Project 81-T-105, defense waste processing facility. Savannah River, South Carolina, $92,462,000. (4) For naval reactors development: Project 89-N-lOl, general plant projects, various locations, $7,000,000. Project 89-N-102, heat transfer test facility. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Niskayuna, New York, $2,800,000. Project 89-N-103, advanced test reactor modifications. Test Reactor Area, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, $1,600,000. Project 89-N-104, power system upgrade, Naval Reactors Facility, Idaho, $600,000. Project 88-N-102, expended core facility receiving station. Naval Reactors Facility, Idaho, $5,900,000. Project 88-N-103, material handling and storage modifications. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Niskayuna, New York, $2,700,000. Project 88-N-104, prototype availability facilities. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Kesselring Site, West Milton, New York, $6,000,000. (5) For capital equipment not related to construction: (A) For weapons activities, $272,254,000, including $8,240,000 for the defense inertial confinement fusion program. (B) For materials production, $102,500,000. (C) For defense waste and environmental restoration, $52,716,000.