Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/1070

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2074

Public information.

PUBLIC LAW 100-456—SEPT. 29, 1988

(7) Offices of the Environmental Evaluation Group shall be established in Carlsbad, New Mexico, and in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for carrying out the contract. The Director shall designate one of the offices as the administrative headquarters for carrying out the contract. (8) The results of reviews and evaluations carried out under the contract shall be published. (c) ADMINISTRATION.—The contract entered into under subsection (a) shall be administered under the direction of the President of the Institute. Such President shall establish general policies and guidelines to be used by the Director in carrying out the work under the contract. The Director shall be solely responsible for determining reviews and evaluations to be conducted by the Environmental Ehraluation Group. (d) FUNDING.—Funding for the contract shall be from amounts appropriated under section 1401. The amount of the initial one-year contract shall be not less than $1,060,000. (e) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting actions undertaken before the date of the enactment of this Act in furtherance of the requirements of this section. SEC. 1434. AUTHORITY TO LOAN PERSONNEL AND FACILITIES TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS NEAR HANFORD RESERVATION

Contracts. Energy. Washington.

(a) AUTHORITY TO LOAN PERSONNEL.—(1) The Secretary of Energy shall allow each contractor and subcontractor of the Department of Energy carrying out operating, engineering, research and development, or construction management at the Hanford Reservation, Washington, to loan personnel in accordance with this section to the community development organization known as the Tri City Industrial Development Council serving Benton and Franklin counties, Washington. Any such loan shall be for the purpose of assisting in the diversification of the local economy by reducing reliance by local communities on national security programs at Hanford Reservation. (2) A contractor shall continue to compensate any personnel loaned by the contractor under paragraph (1). Any such compensation shall be allowed as a cost for which the Department of Energy may reimburse the contractor under the contract. (3) The Secretary of Energy may not obligate or expend more than $500,000 in each of fiscal years 1989 and 1990 for loans of personnel under this section. The amount of such obligations or expenditures shall be measured by the cost of compensation paid to such personnel by the contractor and reimbursed by the Department of Energy. (b) AUTHORITY TO LOAN FACILTTIES.—The Secretary of Energy may loan facilities of the Federal Government being used by contractors of the Department of Energy at Hanford Reservation, Washington, to any community-based organization. However, any loan of a facility under this subsection may be made only if use of the facility by such an organization would not adversely affect Department of Energy p r c ^ a m s, as determined by the Secretary. (c) DURATION OF PROGRAM.—The authority to loan personnel and facilities under this section, and the loan of any personnel or facilities pursuant to such authority, shall terminate on September 30, 1990.