Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/1142

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988



Geothermal Steam Act Amendments Employment and Unemployment— of 1988 1766 Continued Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Indian Housing Act of 1988 676 Stafford Elementary and Intelligence Authorization Act, Fiscal Secondary School Improvement Year 1989 2651 Amendments of 1988 130 Lake Tobesofkee hydroelectric power Business Opportunity Development project, GA, licensing Reform Act of 1988 3853 prohibition 4047 Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 28 National Appliance Energy Coast Guard Authorization Act of Conservation Amendments of 1988 1836 1988 671 Department of Veterans Affairs Act 2635 National Defense Authorization Act, Drug-free workplace.... 1597, 2597,4073,4083 Fiscal Year 1989 1918 Employee Polygraph Protection Act of National Superconductivity and 1988 646 Competitiveness Act of 1988 4613 Family Support Act of 1988 2343 Nevada-Florida Land Exchange Federal Employees Leave Sharing Act Authorization Act of 1988 52 of 1988 2834 Omnibus Public Lands and National Handicapped Programs Technical Forests Adjustments Act of 1988 4624 Amendments Act of 1988 3289 Hunger Prevention Act of 1988 1645 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Indian Health Care Amendments of Act of 1988 1107 1988 4784 Price-Anderson Amendments Act of Intelligence Authorization Act, Fiscal 1988 1066 Year 1989 1904 Regulatory Fairness Act 2299 Job training and assistance Steel and Aluminum Energy provisions, technical correction 2454 Conservation and Technology Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act Competitiveness Act of 1988 4073 of 1988 683 Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue National Defense Authorization Act, Act of 1988 3342 Fiscal Year 1989 1918 United States and western Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness hemisphere countries, policy Act of 1988 1107 cooperation 878 Retiree Benefits Bankruptcy United States-Canada Free-Trade Protection Act of 1988 610 Agreement Implementation Act School asbestos management plans, of 1988 1851 deferral 829 Washington Park Wilderness Act of Stewart B. McKinney Homeless 1988 3961 Assistance Amendments Act of Water Resources Development Act of 1988 3224 1988 4012 Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 3342 Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Veterans' Benefits and Programs amendments 671-675, 878, 2442, 3189 Improvement Act of 1988 4161 Energy and Water Development Veterans' Employment, Training, and Appropriation Act, 1988, Counseling Amendments of amendments 2270-45, 4715, 4043 1988 556 Environmental Protection: WIN Demonstration Program Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 432 Extension Act of 1988 822 Appalachian States Low-Level Worker Adjustment and Retraining Radioactive Waste Compact Notification Act 890 Consent Act 471 Endangered Species Act of 1973, Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act of amendments...2306-2309, 2312-2315, 1988 4571 2321, 3835, 4709 Biological diversity, congressional Energy: support 2651 Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 2441 Defense Authorization Amendments Continental Scientific Drilling and and Base Closure and Exploration Act 1760 Realignment Act 2623 Employee Polygraph Protection Act of Degradable plastic ring carriers 2779 1988 646 Disaster Relief and Emergency Federal Energy Management Assistance Amendments of 1988 4689 Improvement Act of 1988 3185 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions being established, which cite to pages where they actually appear.