Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/133

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988

102 STAT. 1137

consumers, services, intellectual property and investment, using to the fullest extent practicable United States Government facilities abroad and appropriate personnel of the United States. "(e) PuBuc HEARING.—In preparing its advice to the President under this section, the Commission shall, after reasonable notice, hold public hearings. "SEC. 132. ADVICE FROM EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER President of U.S. SOURCES. 19 USC 2152.

"Before any trade agreement is entered into under section 123 of this Act or section 1102 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, the President shall seek information and advice with respect to such agreement from the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Interior, Labor, State and the Treasury, from the United States Trade Representative, and from such other sources as he may deem appropriate. Such advice shall be prepared and presented consistent with the provisions of Reorganization Plan Number 3 of 1979, Executive Order Number 12188 and section 141(c). •SEC. 133. PUBLIC HEARINGS.

19 USC 2153.

"(a) OPPORTUNITY FOR PRESENTATION OF VIEWS.—In connection President of u.s. with any proposed trade agreement under section 123 of this Act or section 1102 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, the President shall afford an opportunity for any interested person to present his views concerning any article on a list published under section 131, any matter or article which should be so listed, any concession which should be sought by the United States, or any other matter relevsmt to such proposed trade agreement. For this Regulations, purpose, the President shall designate an agency or an interagency committee which shall, after reasonable notice, hold public hearings and prescribe regulations governing the conduct of such hearings. When appropriate, such procedures shall apply to the development of trade policy and priorities. "(b) SUMMARY OF HEARINGS.—The organization holding such hearing shall furnish the President with a summary thereof. "SEC. 134. PREREQUISITES FOR OFFERS.

19 USC 2154. "(a) In any negotiation seeking an agreement under section 123 of Copyrights. this Act or section 1102 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Patents and Act of 1988, the President may make a formal offer for the modifica- trademarks.

tion or continuance of any United States duty, import restrictions, or barriers to (or other distortions of) international trade, the continuance of United States duty-free or excise treatment, or the imposition of additional duties, import restrictions, or other barrier to (or other distortion of) international trade including trade in services, foreign direct investment and intellectual property as covered by this title, with respect to any article or matter only after he has received a summary of the hearings at which an opportunity to be heard with respect to such article has been afforded under section 133. In addition, the President may make an offer for the modification or continuance of any United States duty, the continuance of United States duty-free or excise treatment, or the imposition of additional duties, with respect to any article included in a list published and furnished under section 131(a), only after he has received advice concerning such article from the Commission under section 131(b), or after the expiration of the 6-month or 90-day