Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/146

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 1150 ' ' ^

PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988 ' (4) If a rate of duty is suspended or terminated by the President by proclamation or Executive order and the proclamation or Executive order does not specify the rate that is to apply in lieu of the suspended or terminated rate, the last rate of duty that applied prior to the suspended or terminated rate shall be the effective rate of duty.


19 USC 3005.

(1) proclamation issued by the President; " (2) public notice issued by the Commission or other Federal agency; and (3) finding, determination, order, recommendation, or other decision made by the Commission or other Federal agency; during the period between the date of the enactment of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and the effective date of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule shall, if the proclamation, notice, or decision contains a reference to the tariff classification of any article, include, for informational purposes, a reference to the classification of that article under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. SEC. 1205. COMMISSION REVIEW OF, AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING, THE HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall keep the Harmonized Tariff Schedule under continuous review and periodically, at such time as amendments to the Convention are recommended by the Customs Cooperation Council for adoption, and as other circumstances warrant, shall recommend to the President such modifications in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule as the Commission considers necessary or appropriate— (1) to conform the Harmonized Tariff Schedule with amendments made to the Convention; (2) to promote the uniform application of the Convention and particularly the Annex thereto; (3) to ensure that the Harmonized Tariff Schedule is kept upto-date in light of changes in technol(%y or in patterns of international trade; (4) to alleviate unnecessary administrative burdens; and (5) to make technical rectifications. (b) AGENCY AND PUBLIC VIEWS REGARDING RECOMMENDATIONS.—


In formulating recommendations under subsection (a), the Commission shall solicit, and give consideration to, the views of interested Federal agencies and the public. For purposes of obtaining public views, the Commission— (1) shall give notice of the proposed recommendations and afford reasonable opportunity for interested parties to present their views in writing; and (2) may provide for a public hearing. (c) SuBAOssiON OF RECOMMENDATIONS.—The Commission shall submit recommendations under this section to the President in the form of a report that shall include a summary of the information on which the recommendations were based, together with a statement of the probable economic effect of each recommended change on any industry in the United States. The report also shall include a copy of all written views submitted by interested Federal agencies and a copy or summary, prepared by the Commission, of the views of all other interested parties.