Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/23

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102 STAT. xxiii
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988
102 STAT. xxiii



100-606 100-607 100-608

100-609 100-610 100-611

100-612 100-613 100-614 100-615 100-616 100-617 100-618 100-619 100-620 100-621 100-622 100-623 100-624 100-625 100-626 100-627

100-628 100-629 100-630 100-631 100-632



Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987 (the Proxmire Act). Health Omnibus Programs Extension of 1988 To designate the building which will house the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in Lufkin, Texas, as the "Ward R. Burke United States Courthouse". Gremting the consent and approval of Congress to the addition of the State of Ohio as a party to the Middle Atlantic Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact. Outer Continental Shelf Operations Indemnification Clarification Act of 1988. To amend title 5, United States Code, with respect to certain programs under which awards may be made to Federal employees for superior accomplishments or cost savings disclosures, and for other purposes. Federal Property Management Improvement Act of 1988... To provide that the Consumer Product Safety Commission £miend its regulations regarding lawn darts. Designating November 4, 1988, as "National Teacher Appreciation Day". Federal Energy Management Improvement Act of 1988 Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Amendments Act of 1988. To extend for an additional 8-year period certain provisions of title 17, United States Code, relating to the rental of sound recordings, and for other purposes. Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988 To amend the Hunger Prevention Act of 1988 to make a technical correction. Designating the month of November 1988 as "National Alzheimer's Disease Month". To designate November, 1988, as "National Diabetes Month". Designating the day of August 7, 1989, as "National Lighthouse Day". To designate the period commencing November 6, 1988, and ending November 12, 1988, as "National Disabled Americans Week". Designating the week of October 2 through 8, 1988, as "National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Week". Charity Games Advertising Clarification Act of 1988 Public Telecommimications Act of 1988 To authorize appropriations to carry out titles II and III of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, to establish the National Oceans Policy Commission, and for other purposes. Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1988. To approve the governing international fishery agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and for other purposes. Handicapped Programs Technical Amendments Act of 1988. To designate the week beginning November 13, 1988, as "National Craniofacial Awareness Week". Designating November 4 through 10, 1988, as the "Week of Remembrance of Kristallnacht".


Nov. 4, 1988 Nov. 5, 1988

.. 3048 . 3174

Nov. 5, 1988


Nov. 5, 1988


Nov. 5, 1988


Nov. 5, 1988 Nov. 5, 1988 Nov. 5, 1988 Nov. 5, 1988 Nov. 5, 1988 Nov. 5, 1988

Nov. 5, 1988 Nov. 5, 1988

.. 3180 . 3183 3184 .. 3185 . 3192 3194

.. 3195 .. 3198

Nov. 5, 1988


Nov. 5, 1988


Nov. 5, 1988,


Nov. 5, 1988


Nov. 5, 1988


Nov. 7, 1988 Nov. 7, 1988 Nov. 7, 1988

.. 3205 .. .. 3207 .. 3213

Nov. 7, 1988


Nov. 7, 1988


Nov. 7, 1988


Nov. 7, 1988


Nov. 7, 1988

.. 3319 ..