Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/497

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988

102 STAT. 1501

edge and education and training software developed or scheduled for development by or under the supervision of Federal agencies. The clearinghouse shall include, with respect to each item of educationand training software listed in the clearinghouse— (A) a complete description of such software, including the purpose, content, intended academic level or competency level, date of development, imbedded learning and instructional strategies, and mode of presentation of such software; (B) a description of each type of computer hardware which is compatible with such software and of any other equipment required to use such software; (C) a specification of any patent, copyright, or proprietary interest affecting the cop3nng, conversion, or transfer of such software; and (D) information with respect to any conversion or transfer of such software pursuant to this chapter. (2) In compiling the clearinghouse required by this subsection, the Director shall— (A) consult with and utilize fully the resources of all Federal agencies engaged in the collection and dissemination of information concerning education and training software; and (B) request the participation and cooperation of entities in the legislative and judicial branches of Government. (b) DISSEMINATION REQUIRED.^1) The Director shall disseminate widely and on a regular basis the clearinghouse required by subsection (a) and any revisions thereof in order to enable all potential commercial users and public interest users of education and training software to receive ample notice that Federal agencies have developed such software, or nave scheduled such software for development. In carrying out the preceding sentence, the Director shall— (A) utilize all interagency and intergovernmental communication mechanisms, including the National Center for Research in Vocational Education, the National Occupational Information - Committee, State educational agencies. State occupational information coordinating committees, State job training coordinating councils, private industry councils. State economic development agencies, regional educational laboratories, and the Small Business Administration; and (B) encourage the participation of independent private sector organizations, including organizations representing State and local educational agencies, educational institutions, technical and professional organizations, and trade associations. (2) The Director shall develop and distribute, in conjunction with the dissemination of the clearinghouse required under subsection (a), detailed instructions and procedures for securing copies, including such rights thereto as may be required, of education and training software listed in such clearinghouse and guidelines for cooperative agreements between commercial users and public interest users under subsection (d). (c) CONSULTATION; PUBLIC INTEREST USER.—(I) The Director shall Grants. advise, consult with, and may provide grants to any prospective public interest user of an education and training software listed in the clearinghouse required under subsection (a) and shall assist such user in securing the transfer of such software from the Federal agency which developed such software at a cost to the public interest user based upon the ability of such user to pay for such transfer. In providing such assistance, the Director shall encoureige