Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/499

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988

102 STAT. 1503

(A) describes the study and analysis conducted as required by paragraph (1); and (B) contains recommendations of the Director concerning whether the public interest is served through the program of gTEints and contracts to public interest users to support conversion of education and training software. (3) The Director shall submit the report required by subparagraph Reports. (A) before the expiration of the two-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 6105. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS.

20 USC 5095.

fa) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out this chapter, the Director is authorized— (1) to promulgate such rules, regulations, procedures, and forms as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Office, and delegate authority for the performance of any function to any officer or employee of the Office under the direction and supervision of the Director; (2) to utilize, with their consent, the services, equipment, personnel, information, and facilities of other Federal agencies and of State, local, and private agencies and instrumentalities, with or without reimbursement therefor; (3) to enter into agreements with other Federal agencies as may be appropriate; (4) to accept voluntary and uncompensated services, without regard to the provisions of section 1342 of title 31, United States Code; (5) to request such information, data, and reports from any Federal agency as the Director may from time to time require and as may be produced consistent with other law; and (6) to use the facilities of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement. (b) SPECIFIC DELEGATION OF CLEARINGHOUSE AND DISSEMINATION

FUNCTIONS.—The Director shall enter into interagency agreements Contracts. with the National Technical Information Service of the Department of Commerce to perform on a reimbursable basis the functions specified in sections 6104(a) and 61040>) of this Act. SEC. 6106. COORDINATION WITH FEDERAL AGENCIES.

(a) U S E OF FEDERAL PROGRAMS.—In carrying out this chapter, the Director shall utilize, to the fullest possible extent, all existing Federal programs to promote the identification, conversion, and transfer of knowledge and education and training software in accordance with this chapter. (b) EDUCATION AND TRAINING SOFTWARE TRANSFER OFFICER.—The

head of each Federal sigency which develops knowledge for or uses education and training software shall designate, from the officers and employees of the agency, an education and training software transfer officer. The education and training software transfer officer of an agency shall— (1) supply information to the Office of Education Software Transfer for inclusion in the clearinghouse; (2) receive and process inquiries and requests from prospective users of knowledge and education and training software employed by such agency;

20 USC 5096.