Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/845

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-448—SEPT. 28, 1988

102 STAT. 1849

and service operations facility, located at 650 Harbor Avenue, Grand Haven, Michigan. (2) OTHER PROPERTY.—The property referred to in subsection

(b)(2)(B) is that property in the city of Grand Haven, Michigan, more particularly described as: That part of Government Lot 3 in section 19, town 8 north, range 16 West, described as beginning at a point called "A" located as follows: Commence on the east line of said section 19, 2,290.35 feet south of the east quarter comer of said section, thence west 663.04 feet, thence south 2 degrees west 197.00 feet to a point of beginning "A", thence south 63 degrees 45 minutes west 200.00 feet, thence south 26 d ^ r e e s 15 minutes east 200.00 feet to the north pier on the Grand River, thence north 63 degrees 45 minutes east 250.00 feet along such pier line, thence north 23 degrees 20 minutes west to a point 61.05 feet north 63 degrees 45 minutes east of point "A", thence south 63 d ^ r e e s 45 minutes west to the point of beginning, called "A", also known and sometimes described as Tax Parcel No. 70-03-19-42-015, being located in the southeast quarter of said section 19, town 8 north, range 16 west, bounded on the southerly boundary thereof by the waters of the Grand River, and bounded on the northerly edge thereof by "Main Street" in the city of Grand Haven. SEC. 29. ASSISTANCE TO FILM PRODUCERS.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Title 14, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 658 the following: "§ 659. Assistance to film producers "(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when the Secretary determines that it is appropriate, and that it will not interfere with Coast Guard missions, the Secretary may conduct operations with Coast Guard vessels, aircraft, facilities, or personnel, in such a way as to give assistance to film producers. As used in this section, 'film producers' includes commercial or noncommercial producers of material for cinema, television, or videotape. "(\>) The Secretary shall keep account of costs incurred as a result of providing assistance to film producers, not including costs which would otherwise be incurred in Coast Guard operations or training, or shall estimate such costs in advance, and such costs shall be paid to the Secretary by the film producers who request such assistance, on terms determined by the Secretary. The Secretary may waive costs not exceeding $200 for one production, and may waive other costs related to noncommercisd productions which the Secretary determines to be in the public interest. The Secretary shall reimburse the amounts collected under this section to the Coast Guard appropriation account under which the costs were incurred.". (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 17 of title 14, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 658 the following: "659. Assistance to film producers.". SEC. 30. USE OP COAST GUARD AUXILIARY FOR NONEMERGENCY ASSISTANCE.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 8803) of title 14, United States Code, is amended— (1) by striking "The Coast Guard" and inserting in lieu thereof "(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Coast Guard"; and