Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/919

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-456—SEPT. 29, 1988

102 STAT. 1923

Sec. 909. On-Site Inspection Agency. Sec. 910. Coordination of verification policy and research and development activities. TITLE X—MATTERS RELATING NATO COUNTRIES AND OTHER ALLIES Sec. 1001. Increase in annual dollar limitation on acquisition and cross-servicing agreements with allied countries. Sec. 1002. Authority to waive surcharges on certain sales to North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Sec. 1003. Authority of military departments to loan and borrow from foreign countries materials, supplies, and equipment for research and development purposes. Sec. 1004. Sense of Congress on need for modernization of theater nuclear capabilities of NATO. Sec. 1005. Report on NATO Defense Program for fiscal year 1990. Sec. 1006. Improvement in defense research and procurement liaison with Israel. Sec. 1007. Modification of requirement concerning designation of major non-NATO allies. Sec. 1008. Call for continued defense burdensharing discussions with allies. Sec. 1009. Contributions by Japan to global stability. TITLE XI—DRUG INTERDICHON AND LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT Sec. 1101. Annual guidelines to the military departments. Sec. 1102. Lead agency for detection. Sec. 1103. Communications Network. Sec. 1104. Enhanced drug interdiction and law enforcement assistance by the Department of Defense. Sec. 1105. Enhanced drug interdiction and enforcement role for the National Guard. Sec. 1106. Funding of activities related to drug interdiction. Sec. 1107. Reports. . TITLE XII—GENERAL PROVISIONS PART A—FINANCIAL AND BUDGET MATTERS

Sec. 1201. Transfer authority. Sec. 1202. Increase in fiscal year 1988 defense funds transfer authorization. PART B—FISCAL YEAR 1988 UNAUTHORIZED APPROPRIATIONS

Sec. 1211. Authority for obligation of certain unauthorized fiscal year 1988 defense appropriations. Sec. 1212. Limitation on obligation for certain unauthorized appropriations. Sec. 1213. Repeal of certain appropriations general provisions. PART C—NAVAL VESSELS AND SHIPYARDS

Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec.

1221. 1222. 1223. 1224. 1225.

Sec. 1226. Sec. 1227. Sec. 1228. Sec. 1229.

Naming of Trident submarine the U.S.S. Melvin Price. Naming a Navy ship the U.S.S. Bob Hope. Rate of progress payments on naval ship repair contracts. Limitation on repair of naval vessels in foreign shipyards. Competition between public and private shipyards for overhaul of naval vessels. Depot-level maintenance of ships. Report on effects of naval shipbuilding plans on maritime industries. Report on encouragement of construction in United States shipyards of combatant vessels fot allies. Report on small patrol boats of Navy. PART D—MISCELLANEOUS

Sec. 1231. Report on susceptibility of defense computer assets to computer viruses. Sec. 1232. Reassessment of Soviet electronic espionage capability from Mount Alto embassy site. Sec. 1233. Technical and clerical amendments. Sec. 1234. References to the Canal Zone. TITLE XIII—FOREIGN RELATIONS MATTERS Sec. 1301. Sense of Congress concerning the Panama Canal and the United States Southern' Command. Sec. 1302. Limitation on assistance to Panamanian Defense Force.