Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/926

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 1930

PUBLIC LAW 100-456—SEPT. 29, 1988

(2) Certifies to Congress that the current Five-Year Defense Program provides for funding for the initiatives set forth in such master plan. (3) Completes the analysis (referred to as an "Arsenal Act analysis") of the cost-effectiveness of using domestic sources (as provided under section 4532 of title 10, United States Code) for manufacture of 120-millimeter mortars that was specified in section 122(a)(2) of Public Law 99-661. (c) 155-MiLUMETER BASE BURN ASSEMBLY UNITS.—(1) If the contractor for low-rate initial production of base burn assembly units for the 155-millimeter M864 artillery projectile certifies to the Secretary of the Army that the contractor is willing to finance the expenses of preparing facilities and equipment at (and otherwise "facilitizing") a Governmentowned contractor-operated Army ammunition plant for production of such base bum assembly units, the Secretary shall contract with that contractor for production of not less than 96,000 of such units with funds appropriated for such program for each of fiscal years 1989 and 1990 (for a production rate of not less than 8,000 units per month under the program for those fiscal years). (2) In canning out the program for production of such base bum assembly units, the Secretary of the Army, through the use of competitive procedures, shall select a second source producer for such base bum assembly units during fiscal year 1989. SEC. 112. NAVY PROGRAMS (a) AH-IW GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT.—Of

the amount appropriated pursuant to section 102 for the Navy for procurement, $55,000,000 may be obligated only for the procurement of AH-IW ground support equipment. (b) TRIDENT II MISSILE PROGRAM.—(1) Of the amounts appropriated pursuant to section 102 for the Navy for the procurement of missiles for fiscal year 1989, $1,865,609,000 may be obligated only for the Trident II missile program. (2) In achieving any undistributed reduction required to be made in programs, projects, or activities for which funds have been appropriated to the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1989, no reduction may be made in the amount of funds available for the IVident II missile program. (c) DDG-51 DESTROYER PROGRAM COMPETITION.—Notwithstanding the proviso to the item relating to the DDG-51 destroyer program in the paragraph under the heading "SHIPBUILDING AND CONVERSION, NAVY" in title III of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1988 (as contained in section 101(b) of Public Law 100-202), the Secretary of the Navy may limit competition for the shipbuilding portion of the DDG-51 destroyer program for any fiscal year to the two shipyard contractors to which such competition was limited on Deceml^r 21, 1987 (the day before the date of the enactment of Public Law 100-202), if the Secretary certifies to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives that the limitation of such competition to those contractors either— (1) would likely result in a lower total cost to the United States for the fiscal year 1989 program than would result from including other shipyard contractors in the competition; or (2) is necessary to meet the cost, schedule, or performance requirements of the Navy or such other requirements of the Navy as may be determined by the Secretary.