Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/358

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2310

PUBLIC LAW 100-478—OCT. 7, 1988 (iv) to assist in identifying appropriate conservation and recovery measures to address each of the activities which affect adversely each of the relevant species of sea turtles; (v) to assist in identifying appropriate reproductive measures which will aid in the conservation of each of the relevant species of sea turtles; (vi) in particular to assist in determining whether more or less stringent measures to reduce the drowning of sea turtles in shrimp nets are necessary and advisable to provide for the conservation of each of the relevant species of sea turtles and whether such measures should be applicable to inshore and offshore areas as well as to various geographical locations; and (vii) to furnish information and other forms of assistance to the Secretary for his use in reviewing the status of each of the relevant species of sea turtles and in carrying out other responsibilities contained under this Act and law. (3) SCOPE OF REVIEW.—The terms and outlines of such independent review shall be determined by a panel to be appointed by the President of the National Academy of Sciences, except that such review shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (i) estimates of the status, size, age structure and, where possible, sex structure of each of the relevant species of sea turtles; (ii) the distribution and concentration, in terms of United States geographic zones, of each of the relevant species of sea turtles; (iii) the distribution and concentration of each of the relevant species of sea turtles, in the waters of the United States, Mexico and other nations during the developmental, migratory and reproductive phases of their lives; (iv) identification of all causes of mortality, in the waters and on the shores of the United States, Mexico and other nations for each of the relevant species of sea turtles; (v) estimates of the magnitude and significance of each of the identified causes of turtle mortality; (vi) estimates of the magnitude and significance of present or needed head-start or other programs designed to increase the production and population size of each of the relevant species of sea turtles; (vii) description of the measures taken by Mexico and other nations to conserve each of the relevant species of sea turtles in their waters and on their shores, along with a description of the efforts to enforce these measures and an assessment of the success of these measures; (viii) the identification of nesting and/or reproductive locations for each of the relevant species of sea turtles in the waters and on the shores of the United States, Mexico and other nations and measures that should be undertaken at each location as well as a description of worldwide efforts to protect such species of turtles. (4) (COMPLETION AND SUBMISSION OF REVIEW.—Such independ-

ent review shall be completed after an opportunity is provided for individuals with scientific and special knowledge of sea turtles and activities that may affect adversely sea turtles to present relevant information to the panel. It shall then be