102 STAT. 2402
PUBLIC LAW 100-485—OCT. 13, 1988
of families receiving such aid a realistic opportunity to avoid welfare dependence through employment as a child care provider. (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall consider all applications received from States desiring to conduct demonstration projects under this section, shall approve up to 5 applications involving projects which appear likely to contribute significantly to the achievement of the purpose of this section, and shall make grants to those States the.applications of which are approved to assist them in carrying out such projects. Each project conducted under this section shall meet such conditions and requirements as the Secretary shall prescribe. (c) LIMITATION ON AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—For
purpose of making grants to States to carry out demonstration projects under this section, there is authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $1,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992. (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section shall become effective on October 1, 1989. Contracts.
42 USC 1315.
Section 1115 of the Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(d)(l)(A) The Secretary shall enter into agreements with up to 8 States submitting applications under this subsection for the purpose of conducting demonstration projects in such States to test and evaluate the use, with respect to individuals who received aid under part A of title IV in the preceding month (on the basis of the unemployment of the parent who is the principal earner), of a number greater than 100 for the number of hours per month that such individuals may work and still be considered to be unemployed for purposes of section 407. If any State submits an application under this subsection for the purpose of conducting a demonstration project to test and evaluate the total elimination of the 100-hour rule, the Secretary shall approve at least one such application. "(B) If any State with an agreement under this subsection so requests, the demonstration project conducted pursuant to such agreement may test and evaluate the complete elimination of the 100-hour rule and of any other durational standard that might be applied in defining unemployment for purposes of determining eligibility under section 407. "(2) Notwithstanding section 402(a)(l), a demonstration project conducted under this subsection may be conducted in one or more political subdivisions of the State. "(3) An agreement under this subsection shall be entered into between the Secretary and the State agency designated under section 402(a)(3). Such agreement shall provide for the payment of aid under the applicable State plan under part A of title IV as though section 407 had been modified to reflect the definition of unemployment used in the demonstration project but shall also provide that such project shall otherwise be carried out in accordance with all of the requirements and conditions of section 407 (and, except as provided in paragraph (2), any related requirements and conditions under part A of title IV). "(4) A demonstration project under this subsection may be commenced any time after September 30, 1990, and shall be conducted for such period of time as the agreement with the Secretary may