102 STAT. 2466 31 USC 3902 "°^® 31 USC 3906 note.
PUBLIC LAW 100-496—OCT. 17, 1988
(c) The amendments m a d e by sections 2(c) and 3(c) of t h i s Act shall b e applicable w i t h respect to all obligations i n c u r r e d on or after January 1, 1989. (d) The amendment made by section 10 of this Act shall apply to the report required by section 3906 of title 31, United States Code, for each fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1988. Approved October 17, 1988.
LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 328: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 100-784 (Comm. on Government Operations). SENATE REPORTS: No. 100-78 (Gomm. on Governmental Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 133 (1987): Oct. 9, considered and passed Senate. Vol. 134 (1988): July 26, considered and passed House, amended. Sept. 23, Senate concurred in House amendments.