Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/650

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2602


PUBLIC LAW 100-521—OCT. 24, 1988

mospheric pollutants on forest ecosystems and their role in the decline in domestic forest health and productivity; "(D) study the relationship between atmospheric pollution and other climatological, chemical, physical, and biological factors that may affect the health and productivity of domestic forest ecosystems; "(E) develop recommendations for solving or mitigating problems related to the effects of atmospheric pollution on the health and productivity of domestic forest ecosystems; "(F) foster cooperation among Federal, State, and private researchers and encourage the exchange of scientific information on the effects of atmospheric pollutants on forest ecosystems among the United States, Canada, European nations, and other nations; "(G) support the long-term funding of research programs and related efforts to determine the causes of declines in the health and productivity of domestic forest ecosystems and the effects of atmospheric pollutants on the health and productivity of domestic forest ecosystems; and "(H) enlarge the Eastern Hardwood Cooperative by devoting additional resources to field analysis of the response of hardwood species to atmospheric pollution, and other factors that may affect the health and productivity of these ecosystems. "(2) The Secretary shall establish a committee to advise the Secretary in developing and carrying out the Program, which shall be composed of scientists with training and experience in various disciplines, including atmospheric, ecological, and biological sciences. Such scientists shall be selected from among individuals who are actively performing research for Federal or State agencies or for private industries, institutions, or organizations. "(3) The Secretary shall coordinate the Program with existing research efforts of Federal and State agencies and private industries, institutions, or organizations. "(4) The Secretary shall submit to the President and to Congress the following reports: "(A) Not less than 30 days before establishing the Program, the Secretary shall submit an initial program report— "(i) discussing existing information about declining health and productivity of forest ecosystems on public and private lands in North America and Europe; "(ii) outlining the findings and status of all current research and monitoring efforts in North America and Europe on the causes and effects of atmospheric pollution on the health and productivity of forest ecosystems; "(iii) describing the Program; and "(iv) estimating the cost of implementing the Program for each fiscal year of its duration. "(B) Not later than January 15, 1990, and January 15 of each year thereafter, during which the Program is in operation following the year in which the initial program report is submitted, the Secretary shall submit an annual report— "(i) updating information about declining health and productivity of forest ecosystems on public and private lands in North America and Europe; "(ii) updating the findings and status of all current research and monitoring efforts in North America and Europe on the causes and effects of atmospheric pollution