Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/663

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-525—OCT. 24, 1988

102 STAT. 2615

(iv) in paragraph (I)(B), insert after "this title" the following: "and all liquidated damages and expenses collected pursuant to this Act", (v) in paragraph (I)(B), strike "'Immigration User Fee Account.'" and insert "Immigration User Fee Account."; and (vi) in paragraph (2)(A), strike the colon and insert "in—" and insert "and" at the end of clause (iv). (D) In subsection (i), insert after "(i)" the following: "REOfBURSElifENT.—".

(E) Strike subsection G). (2) Section 205 of the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1987 (as contained in section 101(b) of Public Law 99-500) is 8 USC 1356. amended— (A) by inserting "(a)" after "SEC. 205.", and (B) by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(b)(l) The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with 8 USC 1356 note. respect to immigration inspection services rendered after November 30, 1986. "(2) Fees may be charged under section 286(d) of the Immigration and National^ Act only with respect to immigration inspection services rendered in r^ard to arriving passengers using transportation for which documents or tickets were issued after November 30, 1986.". a>) SECTION 206 OF DOJAA.—Section 206 of the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1987 (as contained in section 101(b) of Public Law 99-500) is amended— 8 USC 1222, (1) by inserting "(a)" after "SEC. 206.", 1223. (2) by inserting "of the Immigration and Nationality Act" after "232", (3) by inserting "of such Act" afl»r "233", and (4) ^ adding at the end the following new subsection: "(b)(l) The item in the table of contents of the Immigration and Nationality Act relating to section 233 is repealed. "(2) Section 237(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1227(b)) is amended by striking 'or section 233 of this title' and 'or of section 233 of this title'.". (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by subsections (a) 8 USC 1227 note. and (b) shall be effective as if they were included in the enactment of the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1987 (as contained in section 101(b) of Public Law 99-500). (d) CLARIFICATION OF DUPLICATE ENACTMENT.—Effective as of the

date of the enactment of Public Law 99-591, sections 205 and 206 of the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1987 (as contained in section 101(b) of such Public Law), which were also contained in identical form in section 101(b) of Public Law 99-500, are repeal^. SEC 5. NARCOTICS TRAFFICKERS DEPORTATION ACT (PUBLIC LAW 99-570).

The subsection (d) of section 287 of the Immigration and National y Act (8 U.S.C. 1357), added by section 1751(d) of Public Law 99-570, is amended by amending the matter following paragraph (2) to read as follows: "(3) requests the Service to determine promptly whether or not to issue a detainer to detain the alien, the officer or employee of the Service shall promptly determine whether or not to issue such a detainer. If such a detainer is issued

Effective date.