Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/688

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2640 38 USC 201 note.

PUBLIC LAW 100-527—OCT. 25, 1988


The establishment within the Veterans' Administration known as the Department of Medicine and Surgery is hereby redesignated as the Veterans Health Services and R^earch Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs. 38 USC 201 note.


The establishment within the Veterans' Administration known as the Department of Veterans' Benefits is hereby redesignated as the Veterans Benefits Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The primary function of the Veterans Benefits Administration shall be to administer nonmedical benefits programs which provide assistance to veterans, their dependents, and their survivors. 38 USC 201 note. President of U.S.

38 USC 201 note.


(a) IN GENERAL.—There shall be in the Department of Veterans Affairs the Office of the General Counsel. There shall be at the head of such office a General Counsel who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The General Counsel shall be the chief l ^ a l officer of the Department and shall provide l ^ a l assistance to the Secretary concerning the programs and policies of the Department fl)) CONTINUATION OF SERVICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL.—The individual serving on the effective date of this Act as the General Counsel of the Veterans' Administration may act as the General Counsel of the Department of Veterans Affairs until a person is appointed under this Act to that office. S E C 9. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL.

(a) REDESIGNATION.—The Office of Inspector General of the Veterans' Administration, established in accordance with the Inspector General Act of 1978, is hereby redesignated as the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs. (b) STAFF LEVEL.—(1) The Secretary shall provide for not less than 40 full-time positions in the Office of Inspector General in addition tc the number of such positions in that office on the effective date of this Act. (2) Of the number of additional full-time positions in the Office of Inspector General required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide for one-half by not later than September 30, 1990, and shall provide for the remainder by not later than September 30, 1991. President of U.S. (3) The President shall include in the budget transmitted to the Congress for each fiscal year after fiscal year 1989 pursuant to section 1105 of title 31, United States Code, an estimate of the amount for the Office of Inspector General that is sufficient to provide for not less than the number of full-time positions in that office on the effective date of this Act and the additional number of such positions required by paragraph (1) to be provided for by the Secretary. 38 USC 201 note.

SEC. 10. REFERENCES. Reference in any other Federal law, Executive order, rule, regulation, or del^ation of authority, or any document of or pertaining to the Veterans' Administration— (1) to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs shall be deemed to refer to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs;