Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/791

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-549—OCT. 28, 1988

102 STAT. 2743

dissolved and all property of the Commission must be distributed to or divided among the three counties and any other public agency or agencies serving the Lake Wylie area in a manner considered equitable by the Commission by resolution adopted prior to dissolution. "SEC. 3. Upon its creation, the commission shall have a governing board of seven. Except as otherwise provided for the first four-year period, each commissioner shall serve either a three or a four-year term, with commissioners to serve overlapping terms so that two commissioner appointments are made each year. Upon creation of the Commission, the Board of Commissioners of Gaston County shall appoint three commissioners and the boards of the other two counties shall appoint two each. These initial appointees shall serve until September thirtieth following their appointment. Thereafter, appointments must be made for terms beginning each October first by the respective boards of the three counties as follows: "(1) First Year: Three commissioners from Gaston, one appointed for a one-year term, one appointed for a three-year term and one appointed for a four-year term; two commissioners from Mecklenburg, one appointed for a one-year term and one appointed for a two-year term; two commissioners from York, one appointed for a two-year term and one appointed for a threeyear term. "(2) Second Year: Two commissioners from Mecklenburg, one appointed for a three-year term and one appointed for a fouryear term. "(3) Third Year: Two commissioners from York, one appointed for a three-year term and one appointed for a four-year term. "(4) Fourth Year: Two commissioners from Gaston, one appointed for a three-year term and one appointed for a four-year term. "(5) Fifth and Succeeding Years: Appointments for one threeyear and one four-year term in rotation by county in the order set out above. "On the death of a commissioner, resignation, incapacity, or inability to serve, as determined by the board appointing the commissioner, or removal of the commissioner for cause, as determined by the board appointing the commissioner, the board affected may appoint another commissioner to fill the unexpired term. "SEC. 4. The joint ordinance shall state the terms relating to Wages. compensation to commissioners, if any, compensation of consultants and staff members employed by the Commission, and reimbursement of expenses incurred by commissioners, consultants, and employees. The Commission is governed by these budgetary and accounting procedures as may be specified by joint ordinance. "SEC. 5. Upon creation of the Commission, its governing board shall meet at a time and place agreed upon by the boards of the three counties concerned. The commissioners shall elect a chairman and such officers as they may choose. All officers shall serve oneyear terms. The governing board shall adopt such rules and regulations as it may consider necessary, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act or of any joint ordinance or the laws of the appropriate state, for the proper discharge of its duties and for the governance of the commission. In order to conduct business, a quorum must be present. The chairman may adopt those committees as may be authorized by such rules and regulations. The commission shall meet regularly at those times and places as may