Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 4.djvu/1095

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988




Veterans' Benefits and Services Act of Legislative Branch Appropriations 1988 Act, 1989 2158 Women's Business Ownership Act of Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act 1988 of 1988 683 Diseases: Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1988 1107 Amendments of 1988 School lunch program, eligibility Health Omnibus Programs Extension guidelines 669 of 1988 Small Business Administration Indian Health Care Amendments of Reauthorization and Amendment 1988 Act of 1988 2989 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act Stewart B. McKinney Homeless of 1988 Assistance Amendments Act of Nonmailable plants 1988 3224 Orphan Drug Amendments of 1988 Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 3342 United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement Implementation Act Disaster Assistance: of 1988 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 Veterans' Benefits and Services Act of Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. 1988 Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement District of Columbia: Amendments of 1988 130 American National Red Cross, Bangladesh Disaster Assistance Act of property leasing Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 1988 2897 Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act of Dire Emergency Supplemental 1988 Appropriations Act of 1988 969 Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Forest Wildfire Emergency Pay Stafford Elementary and Equity Act of 1988 2605 Secondary School Improvement Hunger Prevention Act of 1988 1645 Amendments of 1988 Small Business Administration Black Revolutionary War Patriots Reauthorization and Amendment Memorial, location Act of 1988 2989 Claude Denson Pepper Building, Disaster Assistance Act of 1988 924 designation Disaster Relief Act of 1974, Congressional Award Act amendments 4689-4711 Amendments of 1988 Disaster Relief and Emergency Federal Land Exchange Facilitation Assistance Amendments of 1988 4689 Discrimination, Prohibition: Act of 1988 Age Discrimination Claims Assistance General Accounting Office Building, Act of 1988 78 property management Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 4181 Health Omnibus Programs Extension Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. of 1988 Stafford Elementary and Judicial Improvements and Access to Secondary School Improvement Justice Act Amendments of 1988 130 Judiciary Office Building Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 28 Development Act Employee Polygraph Protection Act of Korean War Memorial, location 1988 646 Major Fraud Act of 1988 Fair Housing Amendments Act of National Defense Authorization Act, 1988 1619 Fiscal Year 1989 Family Support Act of 1988 2343 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Foreign Operations, Export Act of 1988 Financing, and Related Programs Rail Safety Improvement Act of 1988 Appropriations Act, 1989 2268 Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Indian Health Care Amendments of Assistance Amendments Act of 1988 4784 1988 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, amendments 1988 1107 Act of 1988 Rail Safety Improvement Act of 1988 624 United States-Canada Free-Trade Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Agreement Implementation Act Act of 1988 3342 of 1988

487 2689 2903 3048 4784 683 2892 90 1851 487 3325 4181 4571

130 38 1680 3996 1086 2727 3048 4642 2328 41 4631 1918 1107 624 3224 3342 1851

NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions being established, which cite to pages where they actually appear.