PUBLIC LAW 100-591—NOV. 3, 1988
102 STAT. 3011
Public Law 100-591 100th Congress An Act To amend the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 relating to aviation
——'[H.R. 4686]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. Aviation Safety SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
This Act may be cited as the "Aviation Safety Research Act of 1988". SEC. 2. AVIATION MAINTENANCE AND FIRE SAFETY RESEARCH.
Section 312(b) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. App. 1353(b)) is amended by inserting after the first sentence the following: "The Administrator shall undertake or supervise research to develop technol<^es and to conduct data analyses for predicting the effects of aircraft design, maintenance, testing, wear, and fatigue on the life of aircraft and on air safety, to develop methods of anal5rzing and improving aircraft maintenance technology and practices (including nondestructive evaluation of aircraft structures), to assess the fire and smoke resistance of aircraft materials, to develop improved fire and smoke resistant materials for aircraft interiors, to develop and improve fire and smoke containment systems for inflight aircraft fires, and to develop advanced aircraft fuels with low fiammability and technol<^es for containment of aircraft fuels for the purpose of minimizing post-crash fire hazards.". SEC. 3. RESEARCH ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMAN FACTORS AND AIR SAFETY AND ON DYNAMIC SIMULATION MODELING.
Section 312(c) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. App. 1353(c)) is amended by inserting after the first sentence the following: "The Administrator shall undertake or supervise research to develop a better understanding of the relationship between human factors and aviation accidents and between human factors and air safety, to enhance air traffic controller and mechanic and flight crew performance, to develop a human-factor analysis of the hazards associated with new technologies to be used by air traffic controllers, mechanics, and flight crews, and to identify innovative and effective corrective measures for human errors which adversely affect air safety. The Administrator shall undertake or supervise a research program to develop dynamic simulation models of the air traffic control system and airport design and operating procedures which will provide anal3rtical technology for predicting airport and air traffic control safety and capacity problems, for evaluating planned research projects, and for testing proposed revisions in airport and air traffic control operations programs." SEC. 4. RESEARCH PLAN AND REPORTS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 312 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. App. 1353) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
Research Act of 1988.
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