Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/562

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 4568

PUBLIC LAW 100-695—NOV. 18, 1988

Public Law 100-695 100th Congress An Act Nov. 18, 1988 [H.R. 4847]

To amend the Federal Hazardous Substances Act to require the labeling of chronically hazardous art materials, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Hazardous Substances Act is amended by adding at the end the following: Safety.

15 USC 1277.

Business and industry.

Children and yo^^^-


"SEC. 23. (a) On and after the last day of the 2-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this section, the requirements for the labeling of art materials set forth in the version of the standard of the American Society for Testing and Materials designated D-4236 that is in effect on the date of the enactment of this section and as modified by subsection (b) shall be deemed to be a regulation issued by the Commission under section 3(b). "(b) The following shall apply with respect to the standard of the American Society for Testing and Materials referred to in subsection (a): "(1) The term 'art material or art material product' shall mean any substance marketed or represented by the producer or repackager as suitable for use in any phase of the creation of any work of visual or graphic art of any medium. The term does not include economic poisons subject to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act or drugs, devices, or cosmetics subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. "(2) The standard referred to in subsection (a) as modified by this subsection applies to art materials intended for users of any age. "(3) Each producer or repackager of art materials shall describe in writing the criteria used to determine whether an art material has the potential for producing chronic adverse health effects. Each producer or repackager shall be responsible for submitting to the Commission these criteria and a list of art materials that require hazard warning labels under this section. "(4) Upon the request of the Commission, a producer or repackager of art materials shall submit to the Commission product formulations and the criteria used to determine whether the art material or its ingredients have the potential for producing chronic adverse health effects. "(5) All art materials that require chronic hazard labeling pursuant to this section must include on the label the name and address of the producer or repackager of the art materials and an appropriate telephone number and a statement signifying that such art materials are inappropriate for use by children. "(6) If an art material producer or repackager becomes newly aware of any significant information regarding the hazards of an art material or ways to protect against the hazard, this new