Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/1064

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103 STAT. 1036 PUBLIC LAW 101-162—NOV. 21, 1989 Abortion. Termination date. Grants. Contracts. 42 USC 2996f note. tion or by any recipient to implement or enforce the 1984 and 1986 regulations on legislative and administrative advocacy (part 1612) or to implement, enforce or keep in effect provisions in the regulation regarding legislative and administrative advocacy and trsdning (part 1612, 52 FR 28434 (July 29, 1987)) which impose restrictions on private funds except to the extent that such restrictions are explic- itly set forth in sections 1007(a)(5), (b)(Q), (b)(7), and 1010(c) of the Legal Services (Corporation Act, as amended: Provided further. That the Corporation shall not impose requirements on governing bodies of the recipients that are additional to, or more restrictive than, the provisions of this Act and section 1007(c) of the Legal Services Corporation Act, as amended, including, but not limited to (1) the procedures of appointment, including the political affiliation and the length of terms of board members, (2) the size, quorum require- ments and committee operations of such governing bodies, and (3) any requirements on appointment of board members of national support centers that would preclude the bar associations in the States in which the center's principal offices are located from making all appointments required to be made by bar associations: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated under this Act to the Legal Services Corporation may be used by the Corpora- tion or any recipient to participate in any litigation with respect to abortion: Provided further. That the Corporation shall utilize the same formula for distribution of fiscal year 1990 migrant funds as was used in fiscal year 1989: Provided further. That the fourteenth and fifteenth provisos of this section (relating to parts 1607 and 1612 of the Corporation's regulations) shall expire if such action is di- rected by a majority vote of a Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation composed of eleven individuals nominated by the President after January 20, 1989, and subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate: Provided further. That none of the funds appropriated under this Act or under any prior Acts for the Legal Services Corporation shall be used to consider, develop, or imple- ment any system for the competitive award of grants or contracts until such action is authorized pursuant to a majority vote of a Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation composed of eleven individuals nominated by the President after January 20, 1989, and subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate, except that nothing herein shall prohibit the (Corporation Board, members, or staff from engaging in in-house reviews of or holding hearings on proposals for a system for the competitive award of all grants and contracts, including support centers, and that nothing herein shall apply to any competitive awards program currently in existence; subsequent to confirmation such new Board of Directors shall develop and implement a proposed system for the competitive award of all grants and contracts: Provided further. That the Cor- poration shall insure that all grants and contracts made for cal- endar year 1990 to all grantees receiving funds under sections 1006(a)(I)(A) and (3) of the Legal Services Corporation Act as of September 30, 1989, with funds appropriated by this Act or prior appropriations Acts, shall be made for a period of at least twelve months beginning on January 1, 1990, so as to insure that the total annual funding for each current grantee or contractor is no less than the amount provided pursuant to this Act: Provided further. That such grants or contracts shall not be subject to any amend- ments to regulations relating to fee-generating cases (45 CFR part 1609) or the use of private funds (45 CFR parts 1610 and 1611) not in