Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/683

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PUBLIC LAW 101-101—SEPT. 29, 1989 103 STAT. 655 respectively. Such sums shall be transferred, upon request of the Secretary, to be merged with and expended under the heads herein specified; and the unexpended balances of sums transferred for expenditure under the head "General Administrative Expenses" shall revert and be credited to the reclamation fund. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Appropriations for the Bureau of Reclamation shall be available for purchase of not to exceed 28 passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; acquisition of one aircraft by transfer of title without the use of appropriated funds; payment of claims for dam- ages to or loss of property, personal injury, or death arising out of activities of the Bureau of Reclamation; payment, except as other- wise provided for, of compensation and expenses of persons on the rolls of the Bureau of Reclamation appointed as authorized by law to represent the United States in the negotiations and administration of interstate compacts without reimbursement or return under the reclamation laws; for service as authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, in total not to exceed $500,000; rewards for information or evidence concerning violations of law involving prop- erty under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Reclamation; perform- ance of the functions specified under the head "Operation and Maintenance Administration", Bureau of Reclamation, in the In- terior Department Appropriations Act 1945; preparation and dissemination of useful information including recordings, photo- graphs, and photographic prints; and studies of recreational uses of reservoir areas, and investigation and recovery of archeological and paleontological remains in such areas in the same manner as pro- vided for in the Acts of August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 461-467), and June 27, 1960 (16 U.S.C. 469): Provided, That no part of any appro- priation made herein shall be available pursuant to the Act of April 19, 1945 (43 U.S.C. 377), for expenses other than those incurred on behalf of specific reclamation projects except "General Administra- tive Expenses", amounts provided for plan formulation and adysmce planning investigations under the head "General Investigations", and amounts provided for applied engineering under the head "Construction Program". Sums appropriated herein which are expended in the performance of reimbursable functions of the Bureau of Reclamation shall be returnable to the extent and in the manner provided by law. No part of any appropriation for the Bureau of Reclamation, contained in this Act or in any prior Act, which represents amounts earned under the terms of a contract but remaining unpaid, shall be obligated for any other purpose, regardless of when such amounts are to be paid: Provided, That the incurring of any obligation prohibited by this paragraph shall be deemed a violation of section 3679 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 1341). No funds appropriated to the Bureau of Reclamation for operation 43 USC 377a. and maintenance, except those derived from advances by water users, shall be used for the particular benefits of lands (a) within the boundaries of an irrigation district, (b) of any member of a water users' organization, or (c) of any individual when such district, organization, or individual is in arrears for more than twelve months in the payment of charges due under a contract entered into with the United States pursuant to laws administered by the Bureau of Reclamation.