Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/1037

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PUBLIC LAW 101-235~DEC. 15, 1989 103 STAT. 2047 register by submitting to the Secretary a sworn statement containing— "(A) such person's name and business address, "(B) the nature and duration of any previous Federal employment, (C) the name and address of the person by whom such person is employed, and in whose interest such person appears or works, (D) the duration of such employment, "(E) how much such person is paid and is to receive, "(F) by whom such person is psdd or is to be paid, "(G) how much such person is to be paid for expenses, and "(H) what expenses are to be included. For purposes of this paragraph, ownership by an individual of a single family home financed under section 502 does constitute pav or consideration. (3) REPORTING.— Each person registering under paragraph (2) shall, between the first and tenth day of each calendar quarter, so long as such person's activity continues, file with the Sec- retary a detailed report under oath setting forth— "(A) all money received and expended by such person during the preceding calendar quarter in carrying on such person's work; "(B) an identification of the person or persons to whom funds were paid and the purposes of such payments; "(C) all awards or allocations of assistance under this title that the person attempted to influence; and "(D) any contacts with any employee of the Department for the purpose of attempting to influence any award or allocation of assistance by the Secretary. "(e) REMEDIES AND PENALTIES. — "(1) ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES.—If the Secretary receives or obtains information providing a reasonable basis to believe that a violation of subsection (b), (c), or (d) this section has occurred, the Secretary shall— "(A) in the case of a selection that has not been made, determine whether to terminate the selection process or take other appropriate actions; and "(B) in the case of a selection that has been made, deter- mine whether to— "(i) void or rescind the selection, subject to review and determination on the record after opportunity for a hearing; "(ii) impose sanctions upon the violator, including debarment, subject to review and determination on the record after opportunity for a hearing; "(iii) recapture any funds that have been disbursed; "(iv) permit the violating applicant selected to con- tinue to participate in the program; or "(v) take any other actions that the Secretary consid- ers appropriate. The Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register a descrip- tive statement of each determination made and action taken under this paragraph. " (2) CJiviL PENALTIES.—Whoever violates any section of this section shall be subject to the imposition of a civil penalty in a civil action brought by the United States in an appropriate