Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/152

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103 STAT. 1162 PUBLIC LAW 101-166—NOV. 21, 1989 vided further. That contractual expenses of such Corporation for legal and financial services in connection with the termination of pension plans, for the acquisition, protection or management, and investment of trust assets, and for benefits administration services shall be considered as non-administrative expenses for the purposes hereof, and excluded from the above limitation. EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses for the Employment Standards Adminis- tration, including reimbursement to State, Federal, and local agen- cies and their employees for inspection services rendered, $218,322,000, together with $1,019,000 which may be expended from the Special Fund in accordance with sections 39(c) and 44(j) of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. SPECIAL BENEFITS (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For the payment of compensation, benefits, and expenses (except administrative expenses) accruing during the current or any prior fiscal year authorized by title V, chapter 81 of the United States Code; continuation of benefits as provided for under the head "Civilian War Benefits" in the Federal Security Agency Appropria- tion Act, 1947; the Employees' (Dompensation (Commission Appro- priation Act, 1944; and sections 4(c) and 5(f) of the War Claims Act of 1948 (50 U.S.C. App. 2012); and 50 per centum of the additional compensation and beneflte required by section l(Kh) of the Longshore and Harbor Workers (Dompensation Act, as amended, $255,000,000, together with such amounts as may be necessary to be charged to the subsequent year appropriation for the payment of compensation and other benefits for any period subsequent to September 15 of the current year: Provided, That in addition there shall be transferred from the Postal Service fund to this appropria- tion such sums as the Secretary of Labor determines to be the cost of administration for Postal Service employees through September 30, 1990. BLACK LUNG DISABILITY TRUST FUND (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For pa3nnents from the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, $640,985,000, of which $590,486,000 shall be available until Septem- ber 30, 1991, for payment of all benefits as authorized by section 9501(d)(1), (2), and (7), of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and of which $28,640,000 shall be available for transfer to Employment Standards Administration, Salaries and Expenses, and $21,350,000 for transfer to Departmental Management, Salaries and Expenses, and $509,000 for transfer to Departmental Management, Office of Inspector General, for expenses of operation and adminis- tration of the Black Lung Benefits program as authorized by section 9501(d)(5)(A) of that Act: Provided, That in addition, such amounts as may be necessary may be charged to the subsequent year appro- priation for the payment of compensation or other benefits for any