Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/398

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103 STAT. 1408 PUBLIC LAW 101-189—NOV. 29, 1989 the Department of Defense for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for operation and maintenance in amounts as follows: (1) For the Army, $24,648,400,000. (2) For the Navy, $25,262,700,000. (3) For the Marine Corps, $1,771,300,000. (4) For the Air Force, $23,344,300,000. (5) For the Defense Agencies, $8,318,900,000. (6) For the Army Reserve, $902,600,000. (7) For the Naval Reserve, $949,900,000. (8) For the Marine Corps Reserve, $79,400,000. (9) For the Air Force Reserve, $1,015,400,000. (10) For the Army National Guard, $1,896,300,000. (11) For the Air National Guard, $2,104,600,000. (12) For the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Prac- tice, $5,600,000. (13) For the Defense Inspector General, $97,600,000. (14) For the Court of Military Appeals, $4,200,000. (15) For Environmental Restoration, Defense, $519,900,000 (16) For Humanitarian Assistance, $13,000,000. (c) SPECIAL AUTHORIZATION FOR CONTINGENCIES.— There is au- thorized to be appropriated for each of fiscal years 1990 and 1991, in addition to the amounts authorized to be appropriated in subsec- tions (a) and (b), such sums as may be necessary— (1) for imbudgeted increases in fuel costs; and (2) for unbudgeted increases as the result of inflation in the cost of activities authorized by such subsections. SEC 302. WORKING CAPITAL FUNDS (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990,— Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1990 for the use of the Armed Forces and other activities and agencies of the Department of Defense for providing capital for working-capital funds in amounts as follows: (1) For the Navy Stock Fund, $40,500,000. (2) For the Air Force Stock Fund, $126,100,000. (3) For the Defense Stock Fund, $78,100,000. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991. — Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1991 for the use of the Armed Forces and other activities and agencies of the Department of Defense for providing capital for working-capital funds in amounts as follows: (1) For the Army Stock Fund, $141,500,000. (2) For the Navy Stock Fund, $232,100,000. (3) For the Air Force Stock Fund, $319,600,000. (4) For the Defense Stock Fund, $156,300,000. SEC. 303. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BASE CLOSURE ACCOUNT (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990.— There is authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1990 to the Department of Defense Base Closure Account established by section 207(a)(l) of the Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Clo- sure and Realignment Act (Public Law 100-526; 102 Stat. 2631), $500,000,000. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991. — There is authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1991 to the Department of Defense Base Closure Accoiuit established by section 207(a)(l) of the Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Clo-