Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/548

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103 STAT. 1558 PUBLIC LAW 101-189—NOV. 29, 1989 "(C) a description of the different reasons why officers were selected to attend that course without first attending i*. the principal course of instruction offered at a professional military education school operated by a militiary depart- ment; and i.r "(D) the number of officers so selected for each such reason.", (e) JOINT MATTERS DEFINED. —For purposes of this section, the term "joint matters" has the meaning given to that term in section 668(a) of title 10, United States Code. SEC. 1124. EMPLOYMENT OF CIVILIAN FACULTY MEMBERS AT PROFES- SIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION SCHOOLS (a) NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY.— (1) Chapter 81 of title 10, United States (Dode, is amended by adding after section 1594 (as added by section 664(b)) the following new section: "§ 1595. National Defense University: civilian faculty members "(a) AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY.— The Secretary of Defense may employ as many civilians as professors, instructors, and lecturers at the National Defense University as the Secretary considers nec- essary. "(b) COMPENSATION OF FACULTY MEMBERS. — The Compensation of persons employed under this section shall be as prescribed by the Secretary. "(c) APPLICATION TO CERTAIN FACULTY MEMBERS.— Th is section shall apply with respect to persons who are selected by the Sec- retary for employment as professors, instructors, and lecturers at the National Defense University after the end of the 90-day period "^ beginning on the date of the enactment of this section. "(d) NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY DEFINED.—In this section, the term 'National Defense University' includes the National War (Col- lege, the Armed Forces Staff CloUege, and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.". (2) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding after the item relating to section 1594 (as added by section 664(b)) the following new item: "1595. National Defense University: civilian faculty members.". (b) ARMY WAR C!OLLEGE AND UNITED STATES ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF (DOLLEGE.— (1) Chapter 373 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the table of sections the follow- ing new section: "§ 4021. Army War College and United States Army Command and General Staff College: civilian faculty members "(a) AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY. — The Secretary of the Army may employ as many civilians as professors, instructors, and lecturers at the Army War (DoUege or the United States Army (Dommand and General Staff (DoUege as the Secretary considers necessary. "Ob) COMPENSATION OF FACULTY MEMBERS.—The compensation of persons employed under this section shall be as prescribed by the Secretary. —^ "(c) APPLICATION TO CERTAIN FACULTY MEMBERS.— (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), this section shall apply with respect to persons who are selected by the Secretary for employment as profes- sors, instructors, and lecturers at the Army War (Dollege or the United States Army (Dommand and General Staff College sifter the