PUBLIC LAW 101-189—NOV. 29, 1989 103 STAT. 1583 section 1448(a)(3)(E) or 1448(b)(3)(D) of this title shall include notice of the election under this section. "(f) IKREVOCABILITY OF ELECTIONS. — "(1) STANDARD ANNUITY.— An election under subsection (c) to provide a supplemental spouse annuity by a person providing a standard annuity under the Survivor Benefit Plan is irrevocable if not revoked on the day before the date on which the person first becomes a participant in that Plan. "(2) RESERVE<X)MPONENT ANNUITY.—An election under subsection (c) to provide a supplemental spouse annuity by a person providing a reserve-component annuity under the Survi- vor Benefit Plan is irrevocable if not revoked before the end of the 90-day period with respect to that person referred to in clause (iii) of section 1448(a)(2)(B) of this title. "(3) FORMER SPOUSE ELECTIONS. — An election under subsection (d) may not be revoked except in accordance with subsection (h). "(g) REMARRIAGE AFTER REmmiiENT. — "(1) ELECTION UPON REMARRIAGE. — A person— "(A) who is a participant in the Survivor Benefit Plan and is providing coverage under that Plan for a spouse (or a spouse and child) but is not a participant in the Supple- mental Survivor Benefit Plan; "(B) who does not have an eligible spouse beneficiary under that Plan; and " (O who remarries, may (subject to paragraph (2)) elect to provide a supplemental spouse annuity under this subchapter for the person's spouse. "(2) LIMITATIONS ON ELECTION. —A person may not make an election under paragraph (1) if the person elects under section 1448(a)(6)(A) of this title not to provide coverage under the Survivor Benefit Plan for the person's spouse. "(3) CONDITIONS ON ELECTION. — An election under paragraph ' (1)- "(A) is irrevocable; "(B) shall be made within one year after the remarriage; and "(O shall be made in such form and manner as may be prescribed in r^ulations under section 1460b of this title. " (h) CHANGE OF FORMER SPOUSE BENEFICIARY TO SPOUSE OR CHILD BENEFICIARY. —If a person who is providing an annuity for a former spouse under the Survivor Benefit Plan and a supplemental spouse annuity for that former spouse under this subchapter elects under section 145(KfXl) of this title to change the beneficiary of the annu- ity under the Survivor Benefit Plan in order to provide an annuity under that Plan to that person's spouse or to a dependent child— "(1) the beneficiary under the supplemental spouse annuity shall be deemed to be changed to that spouse ^so, if the change under section 145(KfXl) was to provide the annuity for the person's spouse; and "(2) participation in the supplemental spouse annuity pro- gram shall be terminated, if the chmige under section 145(Kf)(l) of this title was to provide the annuity for a dependent child, " (i) REINSTATEMENT OF DISCONTINUED ANNUITY UPON REINSTATE- MENT OF SBP ANNUITY,—If a person who is providing an annuity for a former spouse under the Survivor Benefit Plan and a supple- mental spouse annuity for that former spouse under this subchapter discontinues participation in the Survivor Benefit Plan under any