Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/60

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103 STAT. 1070 PUBLIC LAW 101-164—NOV. 21, 1989 QmcE by THE ASSISTANT SECSETASY FOR ADMINISTRATION For necessary expenses of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration, $24,700,000. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS For necessary expenses of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, $1,350,000. EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT For necessaxy expenses of the Executive Secretariat, $835,000. CONTRACT APPEALS BOARD For necessary expenses of the Contract Appeals Board, $488,000. OFMCE OF CrvEL RIGHTS For necessary expenses of the Office of Civil Rights, $1,315,000. OFFICE OF COMMERCIAL SPACE TRANSPORTATION For necessary expenses of the Office of Commercial Space Transportation, $725,000. OFFICE OF E^ENTiAL Am SERVICE For necessary expenses of the Office of Essential Air Service, $1,727,000. OFFICE OF SMALL AND DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS UTILIZATION For necessary expenses of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, $3,500,000, of which $2,600,000 shall remain available until expended and snail be available for the purposes of the Minority Business Resource Center as authorized by 49 U.S.C. 332: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds available for ^e purposes of the Mmority Business Resource Center in this or any other Act may be used for business opportuni- ties related to any mode of transportation. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND DEVELOPMENT For necessary expenses for conducting transportation planning, research, and development activities, including the collection of national transportation statistics, and university research and internships, to remain available until expended, $6,850,000. WORKING CAPITAL FUND Necessary expenses for operating costs and capital outlays of the Department of Transportation Working Capital Fund not to exceed $137,700,000 shall be paid, in accordance wiiii law, from appropria- tions made available by this Act and prior appropriations Acts to the DeiMutment of Transportation, together with advances and reimbursements received by the Department of Transportation; and including, for necessary exx>enses associated with the development