Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/64

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103 STAT. 1074 PUBLIC LAW 101-164—NOV. 21, 1989 authorities, and private sources, for expenses incurred in the maintenance and operation of air navigation facilities and for issu- ance of airmen and aircraft certificates, including processing of major repair and alteration forms: Provided further. That none of these funds shall be available for new applicants for the second career training program or for a pilot test of contractor mainte- nance: Provided further, That the immediately preceding proviso shall not prohibit the augmentation of the existing field mainte- nance work force if it is determined to be essential for the safe operation of the air traffic control system: Provided further, That the unexpended balances of the appropriation "Federal Aviation Administration, Headquarters Administration" shall be transferred to and merged with this appropriation: Provided further. That in the event that the Federal Aviation Administrator employs annuitants , subject to section 8344(h) of title V, United States Code, not to exceed $10,000,000, to be derived from the unobligated balance of any appropriation available for obligation by the Federal Aviation Administration as of the effective date of this Act, shall be available through December 31, 1990, for the purpose of funding such employ- Reports, ment: Provided further. That any such funding shall be reported to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Contracts. Representatives: Provided further, That, of the funds available under this head, $3,400,000 shall be made available for the Federal Aviation Administration to enter into contractual agreement with the Mid-American Aviation Resource Consortium in Minnesota to operate an air traffic controller training program. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, for acquisi- tion, establishment, and improvement by contract or purchase, and hire of air navigation and experimental facilities, including initial acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; engineering and service testing including construction of test facilities and acquisi- tion of necessary sites by lease or grant; and construction and furnishing of quarters and related accommodations of officers and employees of the Federal Aviation Administration stationed at remote localities where such accommodations are not available; and the lease or purchase of one aircraft from funds available under this head, or prior year funds available under this head, or a combina- tion thereof; to be derived from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund and to remain available until September 30, 1994, $1,746,487,000: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, counties, municipalities, other public authori- ties, and private sources, for expenses incurred in the establishment and modernization of air navigation facilities: Provided further. That none of the funds under this head shall be available for the Secretary of Transportation to enter into grant agreements with universities or colleges for any capital project the Federal share of which is in excess of 50 per centum of the total cost of such project.