103 STAT. 1680 PUBLIC LAW 101-189—NOV. 29, 1989 of Defense, and other appropriate Federal agencies relating to the same matter. (2) To the extent that funds are otherwise available for obligation, the Secretary may enter into cooperative agreements with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Defense, and other appropriate Federal agencies for the conduct of research for the development of technologies referred to in subsection (a). (c) REPORT.— (1) The Secretary shall submit to Congress not later than April 1 each year a report on the research activities of the Department of Energy for the development of technologies referred to in subsection (a). The report shall cover such activities for the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year in which the report is submit- ted. The Secretary shall include in the report the following: (A) A description and assessment of each research program being carried out by or for the Department of Energy and the identification of the individual laboratory, contractor, or institu- tion of higher education responsible for the research program. (B) An assessment of the extent to which (i) there are prac- tical applications of the technologies being researched, and (ii) such technologies will likely facilitate compliance by the Department of Energy with applicable environmental laws and regulations. (C) An accounting of the funds allocated to each research program and to each laboratory, contractor, or institution of higher education carrying out the research program. (D) An assessment of the research projects that have been coordinated with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Defense, and other appropriate Federal agencies pursuant to subsection (b). (2) The first report required by paragraph (1) shall be submitted not later than April 1, 1990. (d) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section: (1) The term "defense waste" means waste, including radio- active waste, resulting primarily from atomic energy defense activities of the Department of Energy. (2) The term "inactive defense waste disposal site" means any site (including any facility) under the control or jurisdiction of the Secretary of Energy which is used for the disposal of defense waste and is closed to the disposal of additional defense waste, including any site that is subject to decontamination and decommissioning. 42 USC 7236. SEC. 3142. EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (a) EsTABusHMENT OF TRAINING PROGRAM, — The Secretary of Energy shall establish and implement a management training pro- gram for personnel of the Department of Energy involved in the management of atomic energy defense activities. (b) TRAINING PROVISIONS.—The training program shall at a mini- mum include instruction in the following areas: (1) Department of Energy policy and procedures for mangige- ment and operation of atomic energy defense facilities. (2) Methods of evaluating technical performance. (3) Federal and State environmental laws and requirements for compliemce with such environmental laws, including timely ' compliance with reporting requirements in such laws.