Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/729

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PUBLIC LAW 101-194—NOV. 30, 1989 103 STAT. 1739 unless needed in an ongoing investigation, except that in the case of an individual who filed the report pursuant to section 101(b) and was not subsequently confirmed by the Senate, or who filed the report pursuant to section 101(c) and was not subsequently elected, such reports shall be destroyed one year after the individual either is no longer under consideration by the Senate or is no longer a candidate for nomination or election to the Office of President, Vice President, or as a Member of Congress, unless needed in an ongoing investigation. "REVIEW OF REPORTS "SEC. 106. (a)(1) Each designated agency ethics official or Sec- 5 USC app. 106. retary concerned shall make provisions to ensure that each report filed with him under this title is reviewed within sixty days after the date of such filing, except that the Director of the Office of Govern- ment Ethics shall review only those reports required to be transmit- ted to him under this title within sixty days after the date of transmittal. "(2) Each congressional ethics committee and the Judicial Con- ference of the United States shall make provisions to ensure that each report filed under this title is reviewed within sixty days after the date of such filing. "0)X1) If after reviewing any report under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Government Ethics, Secretary concerned, designated agency ethics official, or a person designated by the congressional ethics committee, or the Chairman of the Judicial Conference of the United States, as the case may be, is of the opinion that on the basis of information contained in such report the individual submitting such report is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, he shall state such opinion on the report, and shall sign such report. "(2) If the Director of the Office of Government Ethics, Secretary concerned, designated agency ethics official or a person designated by the congressional ethics committee, or the Chairman of the Judicial Conference of the United States, after reviewing any report under subsection (a)— "(A) believes additional information is required to be submit- ted, he shall notify the individual submitting such report what additional information is required and the time by which it must be submitted, or "(B) is of the opinion, on the basis of information submitted, that the individual is not in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, he shall notify the individual, afford a reason- able opportunity for a written or oral response, and after consid- eration of such response, reach an opinion as to whether or not, on the basis of information submitted, the individual is in compliance with such laws and regulations. "(3) If the Director of the Office of Government Ethics, Secretary concerned, designated agency ethics official, a congressional ethics committee, or the Judicial Conference of the United States, reaches an opinion under paragraph (2)(B) that an individual is not in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, the official or committee shall notify the individual of that opinion and, after an opportunity for personal consultation (if practicable), determine and notify the individual of which steps, if any, would in the opinion of such official or committee be appropriate for assuring compliance