Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/769

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PUBLIC LAW 101-194—NOV. 30, 1989 103 STAT. 1779 in an unusual case, a waiver is granted by the Select Committee on Ethics. (3) In determining the aggregate value of any gift or gifts accepted by an individual during a calendar year from any person, organiza- tion, or corporation, there may be deducted the aggregate value of gifts (other than gifts described in paragraph (5)) given by such individual to such person, organization, or corporation during that calendar year. (4) For purposes of this subsection, only the following shall be deemed to have a direct interest in legislation before the Congress: (A) a person, organization, or corporation registered under the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946, or any successor statute, a person who is an officer or director of such a reg- istered lobbyist, or a person who has been employed or retained by such a registered lobbyist for the purpose of influencing legislation before the Congress; or (B) a corporation, labor organization, or other organization which maintains a separate segregated fund for political pur- poses (within the meaning of section 321 of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (2 U.S.C. 441b)), a person who is an officer or director of such corporation, labor organization, or other organization, or a person who has been employed or retained by such corporation, labor organization, or other organization for the purpose of influencing legislation before the Congress. (5) The prohibitions of tlua subsection do not apply to gifts— (A) from relatives; (B) with a value of less than $75; (C) of personal hospitality of an individual; or (D) from an individual who is a foreign national if that individual is not acting; directly or indirectly, on behalf of a foreign corporation, partnership or business enterprise, a for- eign trade, cultural, educational or other association, a foreign political party or a foreign government. (6) For purposes of this subsection— (A) the term "gift" means a payment, subscription, advance, forbearance, rendering, or deposit of money, services, or any- thing of value, including food, lodging, transportation, or enter- tainment, and reimbursement for other than necessary expenses, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received, but does not include (1) a political contribution otherwise reported as required by law, (2) a loan made in a commercially reasonable manner (including requirements that the loan be repaid and that a reasonable rate of interest be paid), (3) a bequest, inheritance, or other transfer at death, (4) a bona fide award presented in recognition of public service and available to the general public, (5) a reception at which the Member, officer, or employee is to be honored, provided such individual receives no other gifts that exceed the restrictions in this rule, other than a suitable memento, (6) meals or beverages consumed or enjoyed, provided the meals or beverages are not consumed or enjoyed in connection with a gift of overnight lodging, or (7) anything of value given to a spouse or dependent of a reporting individual by the employer of such spouse or dependent in recognition of the service provided by such spouse or dependent; and