Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/802

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103 STAT. 1812 PUBLIC LAW 101-204—DEC. 7, 1989 "(B) The Director shall adjust the subsistence allowances for volunteers serving in areas that have a higher cost of living than the national average to reflect such higher cost. "(4) The Director, in coordination with regional and State offices of the ACTION Agency and taking into account paragraphs (2) and Reports. (3), shall establish a method for setting subsistence allowances. The Director shall submit a report on such methods to the appropriate authorizing committees of Congress not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of the fiscal year 1990 appropriation.". SEC. 103. APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE BY PREVIOUS RECIPIENTS. Part A of title I (42 U.S.C. 4951 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: 42 USC 4960. "SEC. 110. APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE BY PREVIOUS RECIPIENTS. "(a) DURATION.—The Director shall not deny assistance under this part to any project or program, or any public or private nonprofit organization, solely on the basis of the duration of the assistance such project, program, or organization has previously received under this part. "(b) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION.—The Director shall consider each application for the renewal of assistance under this part to any project or program on an individualized, case-by-case basis, taking into account— "(1) the extent to which the sponsoring organization has made good faith efforts to achieve the goals agreed on in the applica- tion of such project or program; and "(2) any extenuating circumstance beyond the control of the sponsoring organization that may have prevented, delayed, or otherwise impaired the achievement of such goals. "(c) NEW PROJECT OR PROGRAM.— The Director shall consider each application for assistance under this part for a new project or program, that is submitted by a public or private nonprofit organiza- tion that has previously received such assistance (so long as such new project or program is clearly distinct from activities for which the organization has previously received such Eissistance), on an equal basis with all other applications for such assistance and without regard for the fact that the organization has previously received such assistance. "(d) RENEWAL OF ASSISTANCE.—W ith respect to any consideration that relates to the duration of assistance under this part and that is applied by the Director in the case of a request for a renewal of assistance under this part, the Director may not apply any such consideration against any entity that is— "(1) functioning as an intermediary between the Director and organizations requesting such renewal and ultimately receiving such assistance; and "(2) utilized by such organizations— "(A) to prepare and submit applications for such assist- ance to the Director; and "(B) to perform other administrative functions and services associated with applying for and receiving such assistance. "(e) ELIGIBILITY.—A ll eligible public and private nonprofit organizations shall be able to apply for assistance under this part. "(f) NOTICE.— The Director shall ensure that the language of each of subsections (a) through (e) is included verbatim in—