103 STAT. 1856 PUBLIC LAW 101-216—DEC. 11, 1989 ommendations for policy guidance to OSIA consistent with sections 2(d), 22, and 34(c) of this Act. 22 USC 2595b. "SEC. 63. AUTHORIZATIONS OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR ON-SITE INSPEC- TION AGENCY. "There are authorized to be appropriated $49,830,000 for fiscal year 1990 and $48,831,000 for fiscal year 1991 for the expenses of the On-Site Inspection Agency in carrying out on-site inspection activi- ties pursuant to the INF Treaty. 22 USC 2595c. "SEC. 64. DEFINITIONS. "As used in this title— "(1) the term 'INF Treaty' means the Treaty Between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (signed at Washington, December 8, 1987); and "(2) the term 'OSIA' means the On-Site Inspection Agency established by the President, or such other Eigency as may be designated by the President to carry out the on-site inspection provisions of the INF Treaty.". Approved December 11, 1989. LEGISLATIVE mSTORY—H.R. 1495 (S. 1868): HOUSE REPORTS: No. 101-72, Pt. 1 (Comm. on Foreign Affairs) and Pt. 2 (Comm. on SENATE REPORTS: No. 101-195, accompanying S. 1868 (Comm. on Foreign Relations). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 135 (1989): Sept. 19, considered and rejected in House. Oct. 12, considered and pa^ed House. Nov. 17, considered and passed Senate, amended. Nov. 19, House concurred in Senate amendment. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 25 (1989): Dec. 11, Presidential statement.