Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/9

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. DATE PAGE 101-49 To allow the obsolete destroyer United States ship Edson June 30, 1989 138 (DD 946) to be transferred to the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum in New York before the expiration of the oth- erwise applicable sixty-day congressional review period. 101-50 Designating July 2, 1989, as "National Literacy Day" June 30, 1989 139 101-51 To redesignate the Federsil hydropower generating facili- July 6, 1989 141 ties located at Dam B on the Neches River at Town Bluff, Texas, as the "Robert Douglas Willis Hydropower Project". 101-52 To designate the second Sunday in October of 1989 as July 6, 1989 142 "National Children's Day". 101-53 To authorize the exchange of certain Federal public land July 6, 1989 144 in Madison County, Illinois. 101-54 Designating September 14, 1989, as "National D.A.R.E. July 7, 1989 146 Day". 101-55 Designating July 14, 1989, as "National Day To Com- July 7, 1989 148 memorate the Bastille Day Bicentennial". 101-56 Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act Amend- July 19, 1989 149 ments of 1989. 101-57 To designate the week of September 10, 1989, through July 21, 1989 151 September 16, 1989, as "National Check-Up Week". 101-58 To designate the decade beginning January 1, 1990, as the July 25, 1989 152 "Decade of the Brain". 101-59 Designating January 7, 1990, through January 13, 1990, as July 25, 1989 155 "National Law Enforcement Training Week". 101-60 Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act of 1989 July 26, 1989 157 101-61 To designate the week of July 24 to July 30, 1989, as the July 26, 1989 160 "National Week of Recognition and Remembrance for Those Who Served in the Korean War". 101-62 To ratify certain agreements relating to the Vienna Con- July 26, 1989 162 vention on Diplomatic Relations. 101-63 DesignatingOctoberS, 1989, as "Raoul Wallenberg Day"... July 27, 1989 163 101-64 To designate October 1989 as "Polish American Heritage July 27, 1989 165 Month". 101-65 To provide for the designation of September 15, 1989, as July 28, 1989 166 "National POW/MIA Recognition Day". 101-66 Designating the week beginning July 23, 1989, as "Lyme July 28, 1989 167 Disease Awareness Week". 101-67 Apex Project, Nevada Land Transfer and Authorization July 31, 1989 168 Act of 1989. 101-68 To remove a restriction from a parcel of land in Roanoke, Aug. 1, 1989 175 Virginia, in order for that land to be conveyed to the State of Virginia for use as a veterans nursing home. 101-69 To designate August 1, 1989, as "Helsinki Human Rights Aug. 2, 1989 176 Day". 101-70 To reauthorize the Advisory Council on Historic Preserva- Aug. 3, 1989 180 tion. 101-71 Noise Reduction Reimbursement Act of 1989 Aug. 4, 1989 181 101-72 To increase the statutory limit on the public debt, and for Aug. 7, 1989 182 other purposes. 101-73 Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Aug. 9, 1989 183 Act of 1989. 101-74 To approve the designation of the Cordell Bank National Aug. 9, 1989 554 Mfirine Sanctuary, to disapprove a term of that designa- tion, to prohibit the exploration for, or the development or production of, oil, gas, or minerals in any area of that sanctuary, and for other purposes. 101-75 Designating August 8, 1989, as "National Neighborhood Aug. 10, 1989 555 Crime Wateh Day".